
Wednesday, August 10, 2011


  • Like - Used as an interjection: "That was, like, the worst thing ever!" or to indicate speech: "And she was like 'Get out of my way!'"
  • As if – lit. "yeah, right" or "as if" except it does not use a subject; expresses disbelief.
  • Bitchin' - adj. slang for excellent; first-rate. Though a derivative of "bitch", bitchin' is sometimes not considered profane.
  • Whatever! - short for "whatever you say"; sarcastic interjection often emphasizing the final syllable.
  • Fer shur – lit. "For sure", often used in agreement.
  • Totally – "I agree" or "completely."
  • Oh my God – can be used many ways; expresses shock.
  • Tre - A synonym for "very" (derived from French "très")
  • So - Very; used frequently and said with strong emphasis.
  • Seriously - Frequent interjection of approval.
  • Gnarly - expression of seriousness. can be a word for very intense or very pleasing
  • Are you serious?- expression of surprise.
  • Anyways... - Substitute for the grammatically correct "Anyway..."
As per Wikipedia
Valley Girl (or Val, Val Gal) is a stereotype leveled at a socio-economic and ethnic class of American women who can be described as colloquial English-speaking, materialistic, self-centered, hedonistic, and often sexually promiscuous. Valspeak is also a form of this trait, based on an exaggerated version of '80s California English.
The term originally referred to the ever increasing number of semi-affluent and affluent middle-class and upper-middle class girls living in the bedroom community neighborhoods of San Fernando Valley. Due to the Valley's proximity to the Hollywood media machine, the demographic group which the term stereotyped garnered large exposure to the rest of the world. Consequently, the use became more general, and the stereotype can be found all over the United States, and also in other countries in different forms. During the 1980s and 1990s, in common with the trend in community orientation, interest, and education, the term metamorphosed into a caricature and stereotype of such women: a "ditzy" or "airhead" personality, and unapologetically "spoiled" behavior that showed more interest in shopping, personal appearance and social status than in intellectual development or personal accomplishment.


  1. You forgot to mention the song that took it nation wide,the genuis of Frank Zappa and his daughter Moon Unit... as a bonus '80s flashback it's from Solid Gold with the Solid Gold Dancers!

  2. Thanks for playing along Garyo!
