
Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

Most people today are worried about their jobs and the future. Many companies have had massive layoffs and those that have survived are doing not only their own job, but carrying the load of those who were let go. More work, more responsibility, more stress – same pay! Employers have resorted to the old “you should feel lucky you have a job” ploy to blackmail employees into working weekends, longer hours without extra pay or bonuses.
Every day, workers are handling floods of emails, voicemails, paperwork, and numerous other overwhelming tasks. We now have cell phones so the boss can call you on your off time and computers to check in and do more work at home or even while on vacation. It seems our work day never ends!
Workers are more stressed, fatigued, frustrated, and emotionally battered than ever before. So what can we do to keep our health and sanity When Bosses Batter?

The first thing is to make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep your body strong. Eat right, get enough sleep, make time for a little relaxation (doing something you enjoy) and a little exercise. Stress weakens us enough; we don’t need to help it along by getting run down.
Make sure you DON’T work through your lunch or break. Take those 10 minutes to get up, change the scenery (even if it’s only going to the coffee pot!) and give your body and mind a respite. You’ll find that you’re more alert and productive this way.
Keep a sense of humor. Post funny cartoons or pictures where you and coworkers can see them (be careful that they are not offensive to others though.) When you’re off work, go to a funny movie or watch a funny DVD (Like John Pinette’s new “Still Hungry”. Music may have charms that sooth the savage breast, but laughter revives the battered spirit!
Do random acts of kindness for coworkers. You’ll be surprised at how much it will cheer them, and you! Leave some flowers you picked on someone’s desk, leave a few Hershey’s Hugs and Kisses (candy) in a coworker’s mailbox, bring a cake or cookies to share at break time. Your coworkers will be grateful and it will ease the atmosphere at the same time.
If your boss is truly a bully or is unfairly overburdening you and others, you might consider approaching him or her gently about the subject. Perhaps he or she is being pressured by “higher ups” and doesn’t realize how stressed the staff is. BE CAREFUL: Don’t be the sacrificial lamb! If everyone else is too scared of losing the job and is unwilling to speak up, be sure you feel strongly enough to put YOUR job on the line before you speak. If there is a “suggestion box” perhaps a DIPLOMATICALLY worded letter (anonymous) might be the way to go. Whatever you decide to do, remember that when you stand up for an ideal, even if you are 100% right and totally justified, many times you find yourself standing alone.
If things are becoming unbearable, consider looking for another job. While these are difficult times, there are jobs still out there. Brush up the old resume, practice your interview skills and test the waters. Even if you don’t get another job, the process just may re-spark your fire!
My last suggestion is this: Hold tight to good friends! Make time to meet for dinner or drinks. Go to a movie or just sit in the kitchen and talk over a cup of coffee. Nothing gets you through difficult times like a good friend! Remember, “A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.”
I hope our economy will improve. I hope the job market will open up so everyone has the opportunity to earn a decent living and be treated with respect and dignity. I hope that some boss, somewhere, will read this blog and decide to be kinder, more understanding, and will stop battering the very people who make his or her company, school , or organization all that it is.


  1. This post bothers me... not your writing Marion... I mean the subject.

    While I appreciate Marion's positive thoughts I can't help but get mad at how we've let things go this way. There are more important things than the almighty dollar. If people stood up right from the get go & refused to do someone else's job we wouldn't be in this predicament.
    Too many people are doing more work with more responsibilities & more stress all for the same pay while some fat cat is making all the money! And guess what? As soon as that fat cat finds someone else to take on your responsibilities you're gone too! That's the thanks you get for all your hard work!
    Why are we working so hard for someone else? People are wasting their lives.... not spending as much time with their families & friends while someone else is getting rich! WHY???
    Not to mention the things some people do in hopes of saving their own asses! Anyone who works for a major corporation knows what I am talking about!
    Sorry to rain on your parade Marion. I just think the real way to handle these bastards is to walk out... I know it's easier said than done but it can be done.

  2. I once worked for a very wise boss that said your job,money, family,hobbies,education,and health are all balls that you have to juggle. They're all rubber except family and health; those two are glass. You're right Tony, family and health should come before money ALWAYS, but as you said, easier said than done, especially in this economy.PS You didn't rain on my parade, I loved your comment!

  3. Frustrated, depressed and defeatedSeptember 2, 2011 at 1:28 AM

    I wish I could walk out! My boss piles the work on, never compliments or acknowleges a job well done, shows no emotion or appreciation. Everyone is afraid to cross her because she has gotten rid of anyone she felt threatened by.Our days are longer and we are all overwhelmed and in survival mode. The atmosphere is tense and depressing. The problem is I CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE MY JOB AND BENEFITS! I agree with Tony, but Marion is right-if I protest or refuse when everyone else is too scared to stand up with me, I lose my job. There's just no way out!

  4. Thank you for saying what many of us can't. I wish someone would email this post to my boss! I thought about printing it out and mailing it anonymously! Wouldn't it be great if we ALL did that? Maybe then these bosses would get the message~
