
Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Tony Walker

Dawn passed on a story to me the other day about a womna who committed suicide and killed her special needs son. The reasoning was because of the tight economic grip she felt as a single parent and the fact that her son recently lost 100 pounds at a summer camp and could not afford new clothing. The school her son was attending was not the best placement for him and she was fighting to get the proper education for her child.

I hate to admit it but I totally identify with this poor woman.
In the current state of our economy and the crap going on in this world I constantly worry about how my daughter is going to take care of herself after I am gone.

I'd like to think that my son will watch out for her but that's a big weight on his shoulders.

I'm not saying I think about killing my daughter. I am just pointing out that I totally understand her pressures and fears especially since I am going through a rough time financially right now.

What a shame.  The number of kids on the spectrum rises all the time.
Should our society or our government start treating this in an epidemic type fashion so we can figure out what the hell we're going to do with as these kids become adults???

Click here to read a link the referenced story:


  1. This story makes me sick to my stomach. I understand how stress can make you crazy. I also understand how it is so painful to be reaching out to people for help and the requests going unanswered.

    I am lucky to have a few girlfriends that "HEAR" me when I am on the edge. Everyone has been doesn't make you less of a mother or wife or person - it makes you human.

  2. Life isn't easy for anyone. Except La Toya Jackson.

    The government cant help everyone.

    Live, learn, adapt.
