
Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
I read the following post on Yahoo News. Almost as interesting as the article were the comments that followed. I wondered how our DRL readers would react. What do you think? Please consider a comment here!

A California students' group has sparked a racism and sexism row over plans for a bake sale in which people are charged according to their ethnic background and gender.

Campus Republicans at the University of California, Berkeley say critics have overreacted to their event planned for this week, which they insist is a protest over affirmative action.

The group's Facebook page lists the price of baked goods at the sale according to race: $2 for whites, $1.50 for Asians, $1 for Hispanics, $0.75 for blacks and $0.25 for Native Americans.

"$0.25 FOR ALL WOMEN!" it added.

Campus Republican President Shawn Lewis said the idea of the "Increase Diversity Bake Sale" was to highlight a legislative bill to let California public universities consider race and gender in their admissions process.

He said they planned to go ahead with the sale on Tuesday despite protests and threats. "We didn't expect the volume, the amount of response that we got," he told CNN.

"In the first few hours, hundreds of posts on our Facebook page. And the tone of some of the responses -- we expected people to be upset. We didn't expect personal threats to be made.

"They were implicit and explicit threats made to the organizers of the event, from burning down the table to throwing our baked goods at us and other kinds of physical threats."

But the famous US college's student Democrats president Anais LaVoie has asked for an apology.

LeRoy M 30 minutes ago
Bars have been giving discounts to ladies for decades. Isn't that sexism too?
shystrength about an hour ago
This is going to be the best bake sale ever.
Its Time 46 minutes ago
The only smart people in the entire school. ahahahahaha ahahahahaha ahahahahaha
Pure genius !!!!
Rat Fink McRoy 46 minutes ago
It's okay for universities and employers to do exactly that but not okay at the bake sale? Maybe if they just call it a Diversity Bake Sale no one would complain. That's how the Universities and Companies do it.
thumper_scott 8 minutes ago
Well, it certainly proved one thing: people sure are sensitive these days.
tom 12 minutes ago
The truth aggravates the liars and uninformed. I thought some famous person once said something about his kids being judged by their character and not their color of their skin. Probably some white racist guy I bet!
Stoopid Yanks 17 minutes ago
fokking racist yanks, nothing new here
k.p. 34 minutes ago
Commendable motives to diversify Congress, piss poor planning and implementation.
lightspeed 53 minutes ago
do they give out free slaps to ?? lol how you get it depends on gender or race !
Moondog 31 minutes ago
p.s I'm not a bigot I hate evryone equally.
jill_roberta about an hour ago
I applaud these people for showing up the absurdity of what AA has morphed into. It's really sad how America has become a place obsessed with race and gender........rather than ability, talent and qualifications........
Moondog 34 minutes ago
what about the black caucus all of the black expose and other stuff that excludes and evryone else,I live in Fl, it's rampant, if you were to try to have an all white group or assemblee the blacks would scream to the high heaven's that it's ufair becouse there are no blacks, but if you leave them... More
wes t 4 hours ago
Imagine the reaction if the price scale was reversed.
fixit 4 hours ago
All the white men will be sitting in the car and the women will do the buying of the goodies! That would work for me! And i am white,by the way!
Roller about an hour ago
The truth is a painful thing isn't it? Those students should be applauded for exposing the perennial stupidity of political correctness and leftist nanny-state social engineering that has brainwashed millions worldwide. That thinking is not of the people comrade!
abulemic 4 hours ago
Many seem to be missing the point that it is a racially inspired piece of legislation that they are parodying. The legislation is racist and the parody is a potent political tool.
Get some insight and maybe a sense of humor.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a great learning experience! I remember the experiment in college where one day all the blue eyed people were treated badly and all the brown eyed people were praised and pampered. It was awesome!
