
Friday, September 30, 2011

Marion Pellicano Ambrose

Chief Judge Belvin Perry ordered the release of the video of Casey Anthony’s reaction to seeing a video announcement of Caylee’s remains being found. Perry agreed with a local TV station that the once-secret recording is public record and the original reason for sealing it (concerns it would influence jurors in her murder trial ) is no longer a factor.
Anthony was acquitted in July of charges she killed her daughter Caylee Marie in 2008.
"The jail video is a public record subject to disclosure. The reason for sealing — Ms. Anthony's right to a fair trial — is no longer applicable…" Perry wrote in his order.
He also said there is no expectation of privacy in jail.
The ruling is the latest setback for Anthony and her defense team. Last week, Perry ordered her to pay $217,000 to authorities for costs related to investigating Caylee's disappearance.

The Orlando Sentinel downloaded the video and put it on its website.

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