
Monday, September 12, 2011


Below was posted by a friend whose husband is a NYC Fireman. I asked her if I could share it with you all because when I read it, it brought me back to how "WE" all were and acted shortly after that fateful day. September 11th changed many lives....this random act of kindness is a lesson to us all. Thanks again Holly for allowing me to share your story.

Holly N.

To all my facebook friends. You know I don't post much but my husband told me a story last night that touched my heart and I felt compelled to share it. Joe was in lower Manhattan yesterday with about 30 of his fellow firefighters in dress uniform to visit the WTC site and to pay their respects to all those who perished that horrible day 10 years ago. After, they walked into a Pub to have a bite to eat before they got back on the bus to make their way back to Queens. They asked for the bill and was told that a random woman in the restaurant paid the bill for them. They found out who the woman was and all lined up and each and every one of them hugged her on the way out. WOW I was speechless. It was such an emotional day yesterday just thinking of all the hate that initiated this horrible act against our Nation and caused the deaths of all those INNOCENT people. This story helped me think that there is not only BAD out there but there is STILL GOOD


  1. it is nice to hear there are still good people in the world

  2. Thanks Holly for sharing the story. Please extend a heartfelt thank you to your husband and the couragous work he does.

  3. Thank you for sharing Holly! We should all remember to thank our HEROS - anytime we are around them. It can be as simple as a few words of thanks. The first time you try it ---thanking a stranger it seems awkward, but if you keep at it - it becomes easy and normal. If you can do more, do more. But never underestimate the power of kind words of gratitude.

    Thank you to your husband and all those who protect and serve!

  4. What a great story!!!....thanks for sharing!!
