
Monday, November 21, 2011


Barbara Ward-Finneran
Why just be thankful for one day... 
Oh, the power of two little words --- "Thank you". Utter those two words and they can make all the difference in the world.  In some instances, forget to say them and you might never be forgiven.  Reflect on the blessings in your life and it can change your perspective in mere moments. Being thankful should be automatic.  Most of us were taught to say "thank you" from the time we were toddlers, yet often our interactions as adults tend to be thankless. Yes, we share polite "thank yous" all the time.  But that's not enough.  So often, we take for granted our relationships, our blessings and our freedoms.  Caught up in what we don't have, or feel that we need, or just the chaos of life, rather then focusing on what is purely the essence of having a thankful heart - being grateful for all that you "do" have in your life.  

In just days we will be celebrating Thanksgiving.  An abundance of family, friends and food meld happily with the thankfulness that we have for love, life and the Lord.  Being thankful has power.  An attitude of gratitude breeds the positive and lends strength and kindness to any relationship. On Thanksgiving everyone is thankful. On this day we remember, reflect and relish in all our blessings. But, do you share it?  Not just with a prayer around the table holding hands at dinner.  Have you taken action? Do you give from your own abundance? Allotted something for those less fortunate then you. Have you told someone why you are thankful for them?  Expressed gratitude to someone and specifically reminded them of why they are significant in your life. It's so easy to think that someone knows how you truly feel, or overlook the value in actually expressing your feelings.  So easy to assume that they will always be around to tell.  But the truth is, you can run out of time.  

Thanksgiving is a compound word; "thanks" and "giving".  This year, consider making thanking an action.  Make giving an action too. Do something to help others whether it be with kindness or generosity.  Take the time to fashion the kind words and thoughts in your heart and mind, then say it and or write it, but most importantly share it! Do whatever is in your power to make thanking an action that is purposefully done in little and big ways not just this this Thursday, but forever forward in the days ahead.  Do it.  Do it again & again! Then being thankful, generous and appreciative will become a natural and positive part of your daily interactions.  It will make for so much more to be thankful for --- your heart will be filled and the love and gratitude will be contagious and endlessly grow.  And better yet - you will reap what you sow - Now, that's something to be thankful for...!!!

"Give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love." - Psalm 107:8


  1. Impressive, this will be exactly what my husband as a consequence I wanted to ascertain

    In conclusion , permit me thank you for your tolerance with my English as (I'm confident you have become aware this at this moment ,), English is not my original tongue so I am utilizing Google Translate to build out what to jot down what I truly plan to state.

  2. Great post with wonderful advice. Too often we forget how much saying "thank you" can mean to another. Thanks you for the reminder.

  3. It is so easy for one to think that those around us know how we feel about them. Thanks for reminding us that the words are important to say aloud.

  4. Thank you for your kind words... may they come back to you tenfold! Hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving and may many blessings come your way!
