
Thursday, January 5, 2012


                                                       Marion Pellicano Ambrose

An 18 year old Oklahoma woman shot and killed an intruder on New Year’s Eve. The recently widowed woman, Sarah McKinley, was home alone with her 3 month old son when 2 men tried to break in. She pushed the couch in front of the door, gave the baby a bottle, and grabbed a 12 gauge shotgun. She dialed 911 and asked the dispatcher if she could shoot the intruder.

“He was going from door to door trying to bust in” said McKinley. “I don’t know what he had in his hand besides the knife. I believe he actually had a hammer in his hand at some point because he was hitting that back door with it.”

The 911operator told McKinley that she couldn’t shoot the intruder until he was inside the house, but to do what she had to in order  to protect her baby.

When the intruder burst in, McKinley shot and killed him. He was identified as 24 year old Justin Shane Martin. His accomplice, Dustin Louis Steward, 29, ran away but was brought to the police later by his parents.

McKinley realized later that Martin was the same man that had been stalking her at a rodeo, in a local convenience store and had come to her door a few nights earlier introducing himself as a neighbor,

McKinley told reporters at the scene, “I wouldn’t have done it, but it was my son. It’s not an easy decision to make, but it was either going to be him or my son. And it wasn’t going to be my son. There’s nothing more dangerous than a woman with a child.”
Comments on the incident have been extremely supportive and full of praise for the young mother who did what was necessary to protect her infant. It seems to me, this poor woman had been through enough just losing her husband from cancer 3 months earlier. To have this animal stalk her and then break in must have been terrifying! I think she showed great courage and good judgment in her actions. Bravo Sarah! Your baby is lucky to have you for a mom!

1 comment:

  1. Another testament to why we need to protect the right to own guns!
