
Sunday, January 15, 2012


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

It was a rough Friday the 13th for celebrities!

        Madonna accused Lady GaGa of ripping off one of her hits. She claims that “Born This Way” was ripped off from “Express Yourself”

         Southern Chef Paula Deen, Queen of Cholesterol, will no longer be able to indulge in her deep fried, sugar coated, yummy foods. Word leaked out today through and other online sources, that Deen is about to admit she has been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.


  Actor Gene Hackman was struck by a car while bike riding in the Florida Keys on Friday afternoon. He was airlifted to Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami. The 81 year old Oscar winner was later released with bumps and bruises.

       John Edwards, who is charged with six felony counts and misdemeanor counts related to donations and payments he allegedly made from his 2008 presidential campaign, had his trial postponed until March 26th. Edwards is reported to have developed a life threatening heart condition. He’s also accused of conspiracy, issuing false statements, violating campaign contribution laws and funneling money to his mistress, Rielle Hunter. I guess that’s enough to give anyone a heart condition!

       Heather Locklear was admitted to Los Robles Hospital Friday. She remains in intensive care but is said to be stable and resting comfortably. No reason for her hospitalization has been announced, but of course the tabloids are saying “drugs and alcohol”, even though it has not been confirmed.


          It was announced Friday that 9 year old Kathleen Edwards, the little girl with Huntington’s disease who was taunted and cyber bullied, died Wednesday. Kathleen’s neighbor, Jennifer Petkov, posted photos on Facebook of Kathleen’s face with a skull and crossbones underneath and drove past the Edward’s house with a coffin attached to a truck. She also posted a picture of Laura Edwards (Kathleen’s mother who died of the same disease in 2009) lying next to the Grim Reaper.

We at DRL hope you, your family and friends had a safe Friday the 13th!

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