
Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
It sounds like it should be a story in Paranormal Pub: horrendous, violent, and unthinkable. But this story is true. Josh Powell, husband of Susan Powell (missing since December) took a hatchet to his seven year old son’s neck and his 5 year old son’s neck and head. He then set the house on fire and he and the boys ultimately died of smoke inhalation.

Powell steadfastly denied having anything to do with the mysterious disappearance of his wife, Susan. Only a few days before, Powell had filed a motion seeking custody of his children. The judge denied his motion and left the boys in the custody of Susan Powell’s parents with supervised visits.

On Sunday, the two boys arrived for one of these visits. They in the house ahead of the social worker and Powell locked the door. According to autopsy reports, he then used a hatchet on both children and then set the house on fire. Authorities said Powell had made thorough plans well ahead of time to commit the murder/suicide. Just before the boys arrived, Powell sent out emails to friends, cousins and his pastor saying he was sorry, where to find his money and that he couldn’t live without his boys. No mention was made of his missing wife.

Interestingly enough, Josh Powell’s father Steve Powell, is a “person of interest” in Susan’s disappearance. He is in jail at present on voyeurism and child pornography charges. Explicit images were found on his computers during a search of his home concerning the disappearance of his daughter in law. He claimed to have had an affair with Susan, but her parents, Charles and Judy Cox, strongly deny this claim.

Judy Cox said the boys didn’t want to visit their father for their weekly Sunday visit but she talked them into it. She now regrets having done so.

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