
Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

While lent is a time for repentance and reflection, it is also a time for renewal; the renewal of our own faith and the energy of Christ within us. Recalling the events that led up to Christ’s crucifixion and death are solemn indeed, however, honoring this holy time of year need not be 40 days of gloom and doom. There are hundreds of ways to rekindle that spark of faith, starting right now, on Ash Wednesday.

This lent, instead of “giving up” something, like chocolate, try DOING something. Commit yourself to taking time out every day to perform an act of kindness. Perhaps you can check on an elderly neighbor that lives alone or offer to pick something up at the store for him or her. Take ten minutes each day to write a thank you letter to your local fire department or the crossing guard at your child’s school. You can thank a lot of people you’ve always taken for granted in 40 days!

Get some friends together and volunteer to clean up an area, more commonly known as “adopt a highway” or “adopt a road”. You’ll be benefitting your community , getting other people involved in a positive community service, and getting some fresh air and exercise!

 The point is, putting yourself out there to DO something positive for others this Lenten season, will not only make them happy, it will fill your lent with joy. The feeling of having brightened another’s life fills your own with light. Don’t you think that Christ, Himself  would rather see us concerned with the needs of others in response to His suffering and sacrifice than “giving up” chocolate, chewing gum or some other relatively unimportant indulgence?

Give it a try. Bring some joy to others this lent and in return, be refreshed, renewed and  “rekindled” in your love and appreciation of all He has done for you!

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