
Friday, March 2, 2012


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

With The Lorax coming to theaters this weekend, it’s time for kids of all ages to check out The Lorax Project! Conceived by Random House, Dr. Seuss Enterprises and Conservation International, The Lorax Project seeks to engage people of all ages to do their part to preserve places and species that are vital to the future of our planet. Through this project, the Lorax, and his messages will raise awareness of environmental issues and inspire individuals of all ages to take action to conserve real life habitats and species.

The page below has games, information and education, as well as the opportunity to take the “Lorax Pledge”. 

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.
Dr. Seuss

Lorax Project:

The official Lorax Trailer:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Families of the Shield for sponsoring the great movie day. My family never could have afforded for all of us to go and have peopcorn and soda to boot! You're organization does wonderful things for the families of first responders! People forget that we struggle too! Thank you again,
    A Fireman's family (all 6 of us)
