
Wednesday, May 9, 2012


What is it about a man in a uniform that makes women HOT?!?!
OK, first, my dearest apologies fellow bloggers for my absence. But being a very busy Mom of three kids who is always on the search for uber cute shoes, constantly deals with a craving  for chocolate and lately has a total lack of exercise... I have let my writing slide.

But, anyway... talking with my "bestie" this morning I came up with a question: "Why do women find men in uniform uncontrollably HOT?

Is it the organized and impeccable look? The I took the time to carefully match and shine my shoes and there is none of yesterday stains from what the typical man might have spilled on himself because he was too interest in the boob tube and may have missed his mouth completely. Perhaps it's the shiny buttons (what girl isn't drawn to a little bling now and then)?

By the way... I'm not just taking "Military Men" as what women doesn't think of the famous movie " An Officer and a Gentleman" when we see men from the Armed Forces dawning their whites.  How we all wish we were Debra Winger and could be carried away.....aaaHHHHH!  But I mean Firefighters, Police Officers and even the "Delivery Men". Yes, ladies, don't we all wonder what could happen in those brown trucks of theirs given the opportunity?!  Sorry, all I could think of is the slogan "What Can Brown do for You?". OK!  Time for this Mom to take a cold shower... LOL

But before I sign off,  I'm putting the question out there dear DRL fans...
 "What makes a man in uniform Hot?"

I look forward to your comments.


  1. Great to have you back at the Lounge, Patty!

    I think the uniform sends a message that the man inside is able to manage life's troubles. That he will be able to stay solid when we are a mess, that we can count on them. It spells safety and security. I think that's part of the attraction.

  2. Hey Patty, glad you're back. I've been away too!
    All I can say about uniforms is I married a police officer (hubba hubba)and after being widowed for 3 years married a Navy guy (wolf whistle)! There is definately something about a uniform! ree with agree with Laura, the uniform says disciplined, mature, capable and solid.
