
Sunday, August 5, 2012


Marion Pellicano Ambrose
Westboro Baptist Church Protesters

They're at it again! Westboro Baptist Church plans to demonstrate at the funeral of Specialist Justin Horsley who was killed in Afgahanistan on July 22,2012. Horsley and another soldier,Pfc Brendan Salazar, died from wounds inflicted by an IED (improvised explosive device).
Horsley's remains were transported to Melbourne Airport yesterday. A huge outpouring of support has already begun as hundreds of local Military personnel and supporters were on hand to greet the  21-year-old Army Spc. Justin Louis Horsley as his remains arrived at the Melbourne International Airport, Fla., early Saturday morning Aug. 4.

"This is a somber occasion, we have a fallen comrade and we are here to respect him in a dignified manner," said Brig. Gen. Anthony Cotton, commander, 45th Space Wing, Patrick Air Force Base, Fla.

Patriot Guard Riders participate in the procession of Army Spc. Justin Louis Horsley.   The Patriot Guard as a buffer
between the general public, possible protesters and the grieving family and friends. Horsley a Palm Bay, Fla. resident was one of four members of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, Caserma Ederle, Italy, killed when their patrol encountered an improvised explosive device while on patrol in Pul-E Alam, Afghanistan July 22. (U.S. Air Force photo/ Tech. Sgt. Peter Dean) 
On Wednesday, when Westboro plans to protest at Horsley's   funeral, thousands of people will be there to form a human barrier   to shield the family from the protesters. They will stand in silent respect, totally ignoring the Westboro people,carrying no signs     and wearing blue or red. They will stand to show their admiration and gratitude to a fallen hero and his family.
I will be standing in that crowd with          many of my friends. We will silently      support this American soldier and his  grieving family. We will not make any   contact or engage in conversation with the members of the Westboro group because we want to guard and respect the solemnity of this day. This day is about Specialist     Justin L. Horsley and his having made the ultimate sacrifice.

In my personal opinion, a funeral is no place for a protest.        This family is suffering deeply from the loss of their son,    brother, and friend. Their grief is profound enough without adding to it. Can    you imagine how the family             felt when they read  "Thank God for IED's"  I don't think         God, or anyone else could condone inflicting such pain              on another human being, especially the family of a hero.
I hope that everyone who can possibly participate in the         Human Shield for Justin Horsley, will be there             Wednesday at 11am at Ammen Family Cremation               and Funeral Home, 950 Malabar Road SE, Palm Bay, FL .  Check out the web page for the Human Shield.

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