
Monday, February 28, 2011


Dawn Boyle

With the turmoil in the Middle East and the price of gas climbing with the possibility of  hitting $5.00 a gallon, is it time for us to start off shore drilling?


  1. I agree anonymous...what seems to be the problem. I heard that we get like 3% from that area and that it shouldn't even be a blip on the radar...yet it's climbing like crazy...SOMETHING'S GOTTA GIVE!!!

  2. If more drilling is going to be done in our waters - better safety methods must be implemented so as not to have a repeat performance of the atrocity that occurred last spring.

    What about making hybrids more economical for the average and struggling American?

  3. I am all for safety...I do not want a bunch of wildlife to be affected by us drilling, but there has to be a way....aren't we the ONLY ones that don't drill in the gulf?

  4. Let me begin by saying I'm a nature lover and supporter of wildlife and of protecting the environment. That said, there are plenty of places in our country that are rich in resources that could be tapped without endangering either. As long as safety measures are in place and strictly adhered to (no shortcuts or variences for special interest groups)we should do all we can to be independent of foreign sources! We need to get back to being self sufficient and the industrious world leader we used to be.

  5. WOO HOO!!! Let's get this rolling! I couldn't agree more! It seems to me like we continue to just let "AMERCIA" slip threw our fingers like sand....we need to regroup and bring it back!!!

  6. Wake Up - Drilling is safe, the BP Spill was blown way out of proportion until it was discovered that that idiot Nobama was the problem, not BP. Where is the damage, the gulf is no worse than before and only our wallets suffer. You can drive your hybrids, but what happens when those huge ass batteries start failing, where do they go? What then? Yes we all need to conserve but you need to get from point a to point b some how... so DRILL BABY DRILL, my back yard is free if anyone wants to start there...

  7. My backyard is available too! Drilling is what we NEED to do! There has never been a .19 increase in one week before - it's time to start looking in our own "backyards" for the answers! THEY ARE THERE!
    One other question - why don't we every play hardball with these people who do this to us? I am SURE we give something to the people in the Middle East...LET'S JACK UP THOSE PRICES!

  8. These are great comments.
    I would love to be a part of an organization to make these changes happen.
