
Monday, February 28, 2011

The Million Dollar Kiddie Party

Dawn Boyle

In a few weeks my youngest will be turning seven. Seven is a very big deal from what I have been told. She will be having a family party with a few close friends in addition to the dreaded kiddie party.

Years ago I figured out I was in the wrong business. The kiddie party is no joke. You have to have a theme, a theme that is still "cool". It doesn't matter if there has already been 5 other parties you have been invited to in the month at the same place, if that it the place to will be number 6.

On average it costs approximately $20.00 a kid. Then you have to make goodie bags so that brings it up to $25.00 a pop. It lasts on average about 2 1/2 hours. There are usually teenagers who run your party, you have to tip them too. If you invite 20 kids you are well over $550.00 with tax and tips. The cake, that is kind of an issue. My 6 year old doesn't eat cake, so I have to have a cake - retail value 70 bucks for a sheet cake... then, I bring in ices - because the part girl has to be happy. Tack on another $3.00 dollars a kid for those ices too. So we are closer to $700 now.

And this is why I am in  the wrong business!  Seven hundred dollars in under 3 hours and if you could do 10 parties a week... you do the math. Why am I even typing anymore??? I am heading out to look at rental space, getting out my old Cinderella costume and my Karaoke machine. I going to make millions!


  1. This is why we have not had a Kiddie Party for the boys yet.. Although Sean is now saying OK I am 7 this year..I think I can have a kiddie party now mommy! It is insane!!! Especially bc both the boys are so close i would have to invite the 20 from Seans class and the 15 from nickys and then cousins :) I think We should open up our oun party place :)

  2. have dark hair - get a snow white costume!

    I might actually offer the kid $400 cash and see if I can forget a kiddie party

  3. I just went through the same thing trying to plan my daughter's birthday. I had her write me a "list" of the girls she would want at her party...did I mention she wanted her party at my house....playing only "minute to win it" games. 21 girls....yikes! I looked at her list, and out of the 21 girls only 11 were the ones she spoke to and played with...her "core" group. I understand where she is coming from....if I don't invite her then she won't invite me.... A friend of mine suggested we have an "un"birthday pool party at my house this feelings won't be hurt if she does not invite someone. LOVED that idea and so did my daughter. We'll still celebrate her birthday with family, and I am taking her to the American Girl Doll store for lunch and the works. I think this is a far more memorable experience for her and me. : )

  4. that sounds like a perfect idea BNo! It's too much stress figuring out the invite list and pray not to hurt feelings...I gotta work on this kid!

  5. It only gets more expensive as they get older! Enjoy the relatively cheap Kiddie days! $WEET $IXTEEN,18th, 21st, (not to mention proms) and pretty soon we'll be looking at wedding gowns and venues!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  6. this is why we have not had a kiddie party since they are four! the three year old party and the four year old parties both cost me over $1,000. ridic!! so now we do something special like great wolf, or a show and day in the city etc.. i promised i'd think about a party for them for their next bday.. limited kids. we'll see...
    good luck with that.. and a happy (almost) birthday to gracie <3 <3 <3

  7. I'm one of those rare brave souls who still do the kiddie party thing at home. We choose a theme and run with it. The boys invite whomever they wish and we have had small groups to overflowing children everywhere. I bake the cake and treats and plan games..... usually the kids are really happy to just play in the yard and run a muck. They get so little down time to just run and play these days with so many activities being "organized" that the planed games never get played. Parties at home keep costs low and smiles high. When the weekly budget consists of robing Peter to pay Paul - it's the only way!

  8. The weather is so iffy in March, I would really need a heat wave to be able to have the party at home:(

  9. Snow ball fights n the yard? Now that would be a novelty party here!

  10. My son just turned 11 in March. Only once did I have a party at the bowling alley...NEVER AGAIN!! We always have house parties. This was the first year I had his party on his birthday. We always waited for " the real spring weather" to kick in and he was/is fine with it. House parties rock! You are in total control of all of it. This is the 2nd yr we did minute to win it games and it was another huge success! For the kids that are not close to us, I put a 3-4 hr time line. Other than that, it always is an all day/night affair. Friends hang...crank up the tunes...light up the bbq...always have a fire in our run like crazy while parents are enjoying some drinks and friendship. Everyone appreciates it this way. I love having them all here. Their laughter fills my soul. For us, it's the only way to go. My boys are always so happy to enjoy their friends in this manner.

    Oh and did I son ( who is the oldest), invites everyone he knows! I have had 30 kids here at once in my Ranch style house...I pray for good weather and so far, God has blessed me! And I think you all are crazy for spending that kind of money for these parties. The kids really dont' care...have a house party and see for yourselfs. If you feel the need to spend like that...instead of the big party out somewhere, put it in your kids bank acct. They will love it when they get older.

  11. I did tell William one year if it snowed, we would have a " make a snowman party"! I wish it did really would have been awesome

  12. looking forward to my invite next march!
