
Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Dawn Boyle

While Tony was trying to "see" me, as he posted on HE SAID, SHE SAID earlier today, on Saturday, as I too, was at Big Time Rush with my girls and our friends, "points" for Tony actually taking his kids to the mall. I'm not sure if Greg would know where the mall is and I would bet a million dollars he would NEVER take them to see a boy band.

After meeting the band, we stopped out at a taco place so Carol and I could feed the kids. Before we left to head home we did something so strange and bizarre. Men you might want listen really close, Carol called her husband to see if they had lunch yet and if he wanted anything and I just decided to grab a taco for Greg and is the shocker - JUST BROUGHT IT HOME!

Women do things just have to either be told a play by play of exactly what needs to be done OR only do it with thoughts of  getting some kind of payoff later with intimacy. SO NOT FAIR.



  1. Thank you Dawn this si a great reminder to all of us to stop and think about the ones we love <3

  2. BING BING BING ....We have another female WINNER! Nice job Dawn and so true to the point. In this house if something is ever done it has to have specific instructions or if by the "slightest" chance the Males in my home think of others first they so feel the need to be rewarded. Hello! for all the stuff I do 24/7 for my family if I got rewarded for every task I do my Kohls card would be platinum by now

  3. @ Erin...I agree, if everyone was thoughtful the world would be a better place...especially my house - HINT HINT ;)
    @ Patty...glad to hear it's not only my house!

  4. Wait a second.... I couldn't call my wife to see if she wanted anything. At yoga she turns her phone off. You ladies crack me up... you talk about how us men should be ashamed because we're looking for intimate rewards... you ladies aren't looking for rewards? All you talk about is wanting to be recognized for what you do! That's a reward too isn't it? I have to get my wife on here... I call ALL THE TIME asking her if she wants something if I know she's around! Also, there have been plenty of times she was running late for work & didn't have time to eat. Guess who would drive up to her job with an egg & cheese croisant from Dunkin??? Thanks Dawn for the BTR kudos. I also took the kids to meet Miranda Cosgrove a few years ago. Now who's got some lovin for me??? LOL

  5. By the way.... I brought my wife a bagel & coffee yesterday for breakfast. She gave me tude because I didn't ask her if she even wanted anything!!
    After that I still took her to lunch!!

  6. I think it is wonderful that you brought your wife breakfast and then took her out to is the thing = you need to do it cause you want to...NOT CAUSE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR LOVIN!

  7. In our house I feel we manage a good balance of remembering to be considerate and thoughtful to each other. A post it note left on a mirror, calling home to ask what you need or simply bringing in someone's favorite candy bar when you run an errand. The little things add up and mean a whole lot! Remembering to say thank you or I appreciate what you did - goes even further. If you practice kindness & thoughtfulness - the rest WILL FOLLOW.

  8. I have been waiting for a long time for it to follow....waiting...waiting...
