
Monday, March 28, 2011


Dawn Boyle

This past weekend we celebrated my brother's 30th birthday. It was a great party at a local restaurant. My sister-in-law invited about 20 people for dinner and it was great. We ended up at the bar for about an hour or two after everyone ate. I got to talking with two women, they were younger than me, still single living the life. It was a fun night. We went back to my brothers house to open his gifts with him and that was when I phone - GONE.

I immediately called the restaurant. "No one turned in a phone, miss." Okay, thanks - I had to leave it on the bar. We left only 5 minutes ago. Can you check the bar? "We have your number, if someone turns it in we will call you."

I waited about 15 minutes and had my sister-in-law call. She got the exact same reply. I couldn't believe it. I must have left it on the bar. It had to be right there. What was the issue, why couldn't someone just leave the hostess station and walk over and take a look?

I woke up Sunday morning to drive home, Paulina, who "babysat" my girls. I called the restaurant, voice mail explained they opened at 3pm. How could I make it without my phone? My lifeline? It has EVERYTHING on it! I drove over to see if maybe it fell out of my coat or bag outside the restaurant... NOTHING.

Finally around 2:00 I got through to the restaurant. "Ms. Boyle, we have your name and number. We have already told you that we would call YOU if it was found." I wanted to drive over and beat down the snotty little witch on the other end of the line.

It turns out my friend decided after I told her about the phone issue to give my cell phone a call. Just so happens someone answered her call. She asked ":Dawn?" to the male voice that answered my phone. He hung up on her. I immediately called my company and had them cancel the phone. Turns out that my company also put a code on the phone. If the jerk who has it tries to use it or sell it to someone, it will come up that it is a stolen phone and it will not be activated. So HA HA!

My rant today goes out to all the jerks out there that do stuff like this. YOU STINK!

My new phone should be here by Tuesday, while I was on with AT&T they actually did some adjusting and I will be saving $40 a month on the plans we have. The phone was free and I will only pay a $19 activation fee. So that is the silver lining for me. For the guy who stole my phone...what goes around comes around!



  1. if it's an can have it tracked....kind of like the lo-jack. that really stinks! sorry dk : ( i know hpw much you looooved that phone. ha!

  2. Actually any of the current smart phones can be tracked. I highly recommend one.

  3. AT&T is on it! Yes Bno...I really LOOOOVED that phone - NOT :)

  4. The whole thing stinks... Is it so hard to be honest and turn it what's not yours when you "find it"?!

    I for one, am glad you have a new phone! Welcome back to this century, partner!
