
Monday, March 28, 2011


Tony Walker

Last month my son graduated from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts. 

I was the Committee Chairman for the Cub Scout Pack my son was in so I was very hands on with my son. Committee Chairman basically means that the buck stopped at me.

I've always been very hands on with my guy. He has ADHD so he's not paying attention that often & can lose focus very fast. So whether with Scouts or just in everyday life I always have been hands on with him.

My tenure with Cub Scouts did not end on a high note so I was more than happy to hand over the job to someone new as we moved on to a Troop. It was weird for me to not be involved but I enjoyed. I figured once we get used to the new surroundings of the Troop I will most likely get involved. But something very strange has happened.

Cub Scouts is very kid friendly, family friendly, almost a recreational type activity for a kid. Boy Scouts is all about responsibility & independence. Cub Scouts parents played a big part. Boy Scouts parents are not allowed to participate unless they are a trained Scout person. I take my guy to his meetings & I leave.... what? I leave? I don't get to keep an eye on him? I don't get to help him out in an activity if he needs help? I don't get to be there for him? Boy Scouts go camping once a month at least.... WITHOUT THE PARENTS!!! My wife has been a mess with letting him go on a trip without us but he is begging to go. He loves his new Troop & the friends he's made. He loves going to the meetings. As far as I know he's been doing well there. When did my son stop being a little kid??? When did my son stop needing me????

I'm not used to not being so involved. I wasn't ready to let my little man go.

I guess this is the beginning of the end.... he'll be in middle school next year. He'll be too cool to hang with dad. He'll talk privately to his friends while I hear less & less about what's going on in his life.

My son wasn't even two years old when I got cancer. It took me a few years to get back to health. I lost about 3 years. I didn't do much with my kids during that time. Scouts was part of my rebuilding a relationship with my son. Now as we enter some major changes Scouts is once again a part of it.

Do you guys get what I am talking about? Did you feel the same way when your kids were hitting this age? Anyone with kids around my son's age who are currently going through this like I am? Please post some comments!

.............I'll get back to my perverted blogs soon I promise.


  1. Tony, I have to tell you,I love when you talk seriously! We get to see you in a different light, this time as the great, involved Dad that you are!I went through this stage with my daughter, but be patient, they always come back to needing Mom and Dad!

  2. Totally agree with Marion. Speaking as a former CubMaster and Den Leader of my two fine boys. Yes independence is grand for a bit but oh how they love when your attention to them is back they soak it up like gravy to a

  3. Hey Tony,
    I totally agree with you, I was not ready for this either! We used to do everything for the kids and you were an awesome committee chair! I had a say in what was going on, not any more. My son hasn't done the camping yet, but will in May. He still wants dad to go..this time. It's only a matter of time before he no longer wants him either. Last night at his meeting I was lingering after dropping him off chatting with another mom and he came over and told me I should leave now...big step for him...I am torn. Good for him, the independence, a lot for me to start to get used to. I know lots of changes are coming up next year in Middle school. I have to embrace it and hope he knows that as he grows and no longer wants/needs me as much, I will always be there for him when he does.
