
Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Ah, it's Fat Tuesday...seems like yesterday I was down in the French Quarter drinking Hurricanes and being accosted in street crowds.

In true Mardi Gras fashion today's Lunch Time Poll is what would you do for beads? Have you ever shown "skin to win"?

Tell us your favorite Mardi Gras, Carnival, Spring Break story.


  1. No takers on comments, Dawn.... HMMMM, seems King Cake or Chocolate might be more the speed today? What's up with that?!?!


  2. Skin to Win... Oh Dawn you have to be good in your own skin I guess to show some. This where I have struggled all my years. Right Barb? When Im down Fla in less then 2dys it will be Mardi Gras time at Universal will I or won't I hoping to conquer some fears. Like you fab women did with this Blog. You chose to go forget and look how well its goins. So maybe just maybe there will be beads in my future. :)

  3. people are so shy...I have many stories about Spring Break and Mardi Gras ;)

    patty b. beads were like gold when I was down in the big easy many years ago....what I saw done for them would curl your hair...literally!

  4. "no takers on comments".......
    No, your site sucks, your topics suck, and your blogs are boooring!!!

    Keep counting "clicks"!!!!
    Nobody cares.

    I write what others are thinking, and it's this...."ugggh"

  5. @Anonymous...really now? Are you serious? If you were "man" enough, you'd post your name, guess your just a whimp. It's "their" blog and they can do what they want to...if you don't like it, turn away. Hate gets you nowwhere.

  6. Anonymous,
    I'll tell you what sucks. People who say nasty things for no reason. If you were a decent human being you would "show your face" & stand behind your comments.
    Instead of attacking Dawn, Barbara, & The Lounge why don't you contribute to the conversation?
    If you think this place is so boring then what are you doing here? If you think your negativity & nastiness is a way to get "clicks" then go write your own downer blogs on your own site! There is no room for it here.
    You're entitled to not like this site but your attack is vicious & wrong. You should be ashamed.
    Are you the same anonymous who attacked Dawn & her boat?
    My name is TONY WALKER & I stand behind my comments.

  7. This is to the NoNamer!!!! Obviously for a reason! DRL is a place for real people to go to.. a safe place. Whi invited your stupidity? Clearly you have no life... Girlz, don't stop whatcha doing, WELL! Very WELL!!!! Keep it comin!

  8. Thanks everyone for jumping in! Seems like the green monster has reared it's ugly head, yet again!!!

  9. Perhaps we need a ghost hunter. Maybe they do green monsters too!

  10. Barbara....did you just say "do monters" :)

    I am sure we have someone who we can call....

  11. Dear Anonymous, Please don't presume to know what I or anyone else is thinking. I enjoy DRL and the variety of topics and writing styles. Speak for yourself, better yet - DON'T SPEAK AT ALL!

  12. Ain't gonna happen. I'll say what i want, when i want. When you see "anonymous" you can turn away if you dont like what I have to say. I know you won't because i write the only things on here that stir any emotion. The only time this ghost site gets any blood flowing is when i speak.

    "If you were to be any animal, who would you be"?? Are you f'n serious?? Were you up all night thinking of that doozy? What's tomorrow? My favorite pizza toppings?

    Go Get a Job!

  13. omg....when are you gonna take your toys and go home

  14. Hey "anonymous", the only thing around here lately that "sucks" is YOUR ATTITUDE!

  15. "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."

    Keep the good stuff coming ladies! Obviously Mr. Anonymous can't get enough.

  16. half Sausage and Meatball, half Plain, w/sesame seed crust... just saying... MR Anonymous, funny, if your are who we believe you are, I stand here embrassed that I was led to believe you were one of the good ones.. why it was just last year I was discussing you to some of your old classmates that I came across, these people did not have very nice things to say to you, they told stories that I didn't want to believe, wow was i wrong. I was duped into the sob story that was your life. I believed that I would be able to break bread with you and applaud you in your direction. HA, what a hoot, these sources were dead on... yeah I discussed at the time with Dawn, the things I heard, she too chose to see the better part of the story. We were wrong... To sum it up, I wouldn't PISS on you if you were on fire. keep your d-bag comments to yourself and get a job...

  17. I sqeek the mouse is back again huh???? Yeah you might be good for a click here or there. But your comments just put in the minds who know you or who 'think' they know you or have come across your kind in their past or present in saying really?? This person has issues. Serious issues.And sorry this Patty doesn't do pitty parties for nameless writers who can't take credit for their words but coward and hide in the mist of the word ANYMOUS. So any other mouse crawl back in your hole. DRL ROCKS!!! AND YOU... (WE WILL JUST LEAVE IT BLANK FOR KNOW, I'M SURE THE READERS OF THIS SITE CAN FILL IN THE BLANK).

  18. RGF - Well said! I couldn't agree with you more - I was just as fooled too! Keep writing DRL!
