
Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

In this world there are givers and there are takers, and then there are the rest of us that fall somewhere in between. During my lifetime I’ve encountered many, many takers, but I have to say that the true givers are few and far between. I am fortunate to have one of these rare people as my friend. Her name is Beth, and I’ve never known anyone else like her before.
I met Beth when her son entered our school and was placed in my 4th grade class. She was constantly up at school helping, buying things for our class and for students who couldn’t afford to buy things themselves. I had to be careful not to say I liked some educational item or the next day it was sitting on my desk. Her generosity knew no bounds! She eventually joined our faculty and employed the same giving nature to the whole school. She tutored students who were having difficulties and refused to charge, she served on committees and gave of her time and talent. She even started several service projects, such as providing candy filled Easter Baskets for the children of 800 migrant farm workers. She worked with me on providing the” pounding” for 2 different Habitat for Humanity builds, presenting teacher in service programs for other schools in our Diocese, and so much more.

Beth’s giving heart doesn’t stop at the school door. Her home is as open as her heart. She’s taken in friends and strangers who needed a friend and a place to stay. She’s cared for her elderly father, and many of his friends. She and I have taken our classes to sing at I can’t count how many nursing homes and Senior lunch programs, which started with us visiting her dad at his senior apartment before he moved in with her. She and her class made special blankets for the residents of a small facility, designing each blanket according to the interest of the resident (one Miami Dolphins fan, one Atlantic City theme, one cats theme, and so on.) I love to see her teaching children to show the same care and concern for others that she so beautifully portrays.

I remember one summer Beth received a call from a friend up north. This girl’s husband had been treating her cruelly. She was falling apart and had to get out for her own safety. Beth dropped everything, drove 1,000 miles to get her friend and move her down to Florida. She kept the friend in her home until she was able to get a job and a place of her own. Beth didn’t think twice, she just went into action. For her, it was a no brainer.

When I became seriously ill a few years ago, Beth was there to help and support me and my family. When my mom was dying Beth was at the hospital with me on a regular basis and when mom died, it was Beth who helped me plan the service. I never had to call, she just appeared.

I could write several more pages to chronicle Beth’s acts of kindness and generosity, but instead, I just want to say: Beth, I love and admire you. I hope that someday I can aspire to be even half the caring, giving person you are. I thank God for sending such a special angel into my life and the lives of my children. God bless you Beth for being the amazing woman that you are.



  1. Thank you, Beth. The world needs more heros. You are certainly one of mine.

  2. Don't know you Beth, but wish I did!

  3. Nice tribute to a friend.

  4. My daughter was one of the children who benefitted from Beth's unending kindness.Beth tutored her through 8th grade Algebra I and went above and beyond by also getting her through H.S. Algebra II. (And wouldn't take one penny!)She gave my child confidence and turned her on to reading great Literature. Hooray for recognizing an amazing giver like Beth!

  5. Beth is amazing! Well said Marion! I think the world of both of you! xoxo

  6. 4 of my children have been truly blessed by Beth. She not only taught them academics - but taught them how to give, love and accept. How did she do that? by exactly what Marion describes - complete selflessness all of the time. My college age daughters always tell me that Beth, Marion, Colleen, Kerri and Jackie (you know who you are) are women who have influenced them greatly - even in college. Our family has been so influenced by Beth and her HNJ cohorts (LOL). A good measure of Beth is the fact that my two boys (16 & 13) freely talk about how much they love having been taught by Beth - Kudos on this Marion - on point !

  7. Beth has always been there for me, always. I can honestly say that working with Beth made me a better teacher. She has no idea how much I miss her and all the fun we had together. She went above and beyond the call of duty when I needed her (multiple times!) and when faced with an uncertain future, she was there, making me laugh and reassuring me. I love you Beth, you know I do, and I miss you so much. Not a day goes by that I don't think about working with you. Maybe one day...
