
Saturday, March 19, 2011


Dawn Boyle

I am never having another party....I say this after each one.

Today we are celebrating my daughter's birthday. I started early in the week cleaning out rooms and getting everything ready. I was so ahead of the game I even got cocky. I told my friend, I am not sweating this one at all. It's a slam dunk. I have it in the bag.

I asked the "Birthday Girl" what she wanted to serve her guests. Pizza and stuff was the answer. This was going to be by far the easiest of all parties I have thrown. I only had to make appetizers and get drinks for the kids and booze for the big kids.

As I sailed through the begining of the week feeling so ahead of the game I decided to empty out closets and drawers. Killing two birds with one stone was a no brainer with all the time I had. and then it happened. Sarah ended up in the ER all of Wednesday night. Condemned to stay home Thursday and Friday with me and her unwilling attitude to even try to use the crutches made my world come to a screatching halt. I was now not the party planner but the nurse. I heard "MOOOOOMMMMM" screamed about 2,000 times in the past days. I was out at Costco last night til God knows what time and my mother came over as my cleaning crew. We worked til way after midnight. The house is spotless!

At 4 today we are expecting our guests to arrive. Murphy's Law (aka Dawn's Law) would have it that yesterday temptures nearing the high 70's, today we are slightly above half that. My plans of everyone playing outside crumble down around me....this will be the last party I ever have! That is until the next!

We party like ROCKSTARS for your 7th BIRTHDAY!



  1. Listen little Miss Martha Stewart as one of your frequent party guests you pull it off big time every time. Can't wait for the next one!!

  2. Dawn I am becoming a big fan of yours!! Love your blogs and the other bloggers too!! Happy Birthday to your little Sweet <3!!

  3. Happy Birthday to Gracie!!!! Have a great time today

  4. Happy Birthday Gracie!
    Hope every minute was wonderful for all of you!
