
Saturday, March 19, 2011


As a result of the many inquiries about Marion and her family, and at the request of Dawn & myself, Marion has written an update.  Currently we all hold onto faith that a lawyer will be found who can resolve this injustice in an affordable manner.  We ask that you continue to offer prayers to support Marion and give her strength.  Many thanks to those of you who have offered to make donations.  Dawn and I, with Marion's blessing and help, are researching how to set up a fund or account for Joe to use for legal costs and/or other expenses incurred by him as a result of his loss of benefits.  All of us at DRL thank you for your continue interest and support of correcting this negligence in the system.  

Peace & Prayers,
Barbara & Dawn


Dear DRL Readers,

I wish I had better news to share, but I’m afraid things aren’t going so well with my son. Having his Social Security taken away has pushed him into a full manic episode and no matter what I do, I can’t reason with him. I’ve contacted everyone I could think of, Governor Scott, Florida’s Representatives, lawyers, advocacy organizations, even the psychologist who saw my son for SS. I haven’t received an answer from anyone but Gov. Scott, who merely sent an automatic reply that he received my email.

My son is getting rid of everything he owns and moving into his car (a rather old piece of junk). He won’t listen to reason. When we filed an appeal, they agreed to continue his check during the process, but if he loses he’ll have to pay it all back. He’s absolutely paranoid that they’ll take his Pell grant away now. I can’t even talk to him without him going wild and just about having a complete breakdown. He calls me 5 or 6 times a day to vent and remind me that this is all my fault and what an awful mother I am. He knows I’m disabled with an incurable disease, he knows my husband and I are struggling to keep our home, and he knows that in the past he’s caused so much damage to our home (punched in walls, broke windows, destroyed furniture), to me (black eyes, split lips, broken tooth), and to my marriage (my husband says if he treated me like my son does, I’d have him arrested). Knowing all this, he still thinks I should be supporting him and should take him back home without regard to my husband or daughter.

I’m not giving up. I still have hope that I will find a lawyer who will take this on and show Social Security that it will cost them more in the long run to deny my son benefits. He’ll wind up having to drop out of school, the only thing that might help him eventually lead a productive life without having to collect benefits at some point! Then they’ll be adding to the homeless population and I wouldn’t doubt, the criminal population. Just like any other living thing, he’ll do what he has to in order to survive. That could mean big trouble! A large portion of the population of any jail consists of people diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder. Coincidence? Not on your life!

I truly appreciate your concern and especially your prayers for my son. I hope you will continue. We can use all the Divine help and intervention possible!

Thank you again,
Marion Pellicano Ambrose


  1. How could he be dropped from Social Security if he has a diagnosis? This is beyond awful.

    Count me among those who care and want to help you out, Marion. Hugs to you. This is terrible. I'm scared for Joseph, as he surely must be for himself.

  2. I'm still in shock that this could happen. Maybe a letter writing campaign would help! Count me in to help in any way needed.

  3. I hope everyone who is as disgusted as I am with this situation will rise up and tell lawmakers that this kind of thing shouldn't happen! Your son is exactly what SS was created for and not for the healthy, LAZY, people who collect and really aren't sick or disabled.Those are the people who should be investigated and taken off SS!

  4. Know I'm here - in your corner! Always!

  5. I'm back again! Hey, isn't there anyone out there who has a studio, trailer,garage apartment or something that you could offer for free until this poor kid gets his benefits back? I wish I did, I'd invite him in a heartbeat. Let me know when that account is set up please. I want to contribute to his legal fees and even his water and electric if some kind person has a place for him. Still praying for you and your son Marion.He deserves this chance since he's been working SO hard to better himself and you definately deserve all the help and support in the world for all you've done for him.
