
Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Dawn Boyle

I never found Charlie Sheen remotely attractive. I find him even more repulsive thinking of all the hookers he has been with. There is no way I would allow that train wreck near my kids. Today's LUNCH TIME POLL is what makes Denise Richards and that Brooke chick even consider being with this louse? Why do women go back time and time again to men that are obviously toxic to themselves and everyone around them?


  1. What's always bothered me about Charlie Sheen, Michael Jackson, Brittany Spears, etc etc is where are the families &/or friends of these people? At the slightest sign of craziness where are the people who really care to step in & help? Surely these people have someone in their lives who really do give a shit!

  2. I think they're addicts just like him. How else would you hang out with your ex and his new girlfriend and a porn star all at the same time?? Addiction is my guess.

  3. I am pretty sure that these people only have feeder fish...a feeder fish can even been a relative. They give you whatever you want or "need" to make sure you are happy and making $.

    I don't want to hang out with anyone... let alone my ex, his girlfriend and porn star lover!

  4. I think they probably do have people who care in their lives,but few of these peoplehave power or influence to stop a rich and famous celebrity. Look at Martin Sheen. No father could try harder or do more. As for the people who choose to be with them,they must love misery, but to expose children that lifestyle is criminal!

  5. I agree with you LB, Martin Sheen has done his best. So has Angela Lansbury. Some people don't want to be helped. I think the people who choose to stay and enable addicted celebs are either leaches or in need of help themselves.

  6. The guy is a rockstar. lives like one. Has more money than god. He can do whatever he wants---he's harming nobody else. In fact, he does the opposite. He alone made that show, made the network, the execs, the actors, the staff lots of money. They will continue to do so when he returns or his replacement. And he pays his hookers very very well. I likey Charlie. Wish we were buds....
