
Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Jenn Copp

I see how it happens. Those kids in malls, at the parks, food stores, etc. They are dressed horribly. I see how it happens because it is happening right now to my Lily. Last week I broke down on a highway. This week I get in my car and the "check brake lining" light went off. I sit here in bed thinking, great this is going to be a fortune!  As Lily brings her clothes in to show me, what do I say?  "Lily that looks awesome". She is wearing a purple and cream dress with circles, red cardigan sweater, pink and brown striped tights and silver shoes. What a sight!

I question if I am letting her do this because she is finally dressing by herself? One less thing for me to worry about. I think she is only a little kid, how fun for her to have made up her own outfit. Do I really care what the world will think upon seeing her? There is a big part of me that does not care, to each his own is my motto. She loves it and is thrilled by the way she looks. I'll let her wear it for now. Yes, I will wind up changing it for the real worli!! As I see it I need to teach her. You never know what life has in store for you when you walk out the door. For that you need to look your best!! I think this will be an awesome lesson for her. Be prepared for everything... ALWAYS!!! The better you look... The better you feel.


  1. Hooray for you, letting her choose to dress to please herself! The fashion lesson will come later,but for now let her enjoy the short time in life when it really doesn't matter what other people think! I love to see any kid who obviously chose her own outfit! It makes me smile. (Whether it's Pippi Longstocking or Princess Aurora!) Great post by a great mom!

  2. Thanks !!! I thought to take a picture of her today !!! It made me laugh .. And that is what it is all about

  3. My dear daughter is a Fancy Nancy orginal. Luv how she dresses outside of the norm just means she will have a flair for fashion later in life.

  4. Foster the confidence for them to be their own person when they are little and with guidance the rest will follow! The smiles you get n the process - icing on the cake! Keep enjoying every minute Jenn - all us Moms know they go way too fast!!!

  5. Thanks !!! It does go by way to fast !!

  6. another awesome post JFC!
