
Thursday, March 24, 2011


Dawn Boyle

Now I have heard of everything...a breast-feeding doll!

This morning I was watching the local news and had to pick my jaw off the floor after I vomited a little in my mouth.

Apparently some company is marketing and selling a doll for little girls to pretend that they are beast feeding. Many breast feeding moms know that siblings will innocently mimic this with their dolls and stuffed animals however, this doll comes with a halter top for the "mommy" with daisy's that open as flower flaps to reveal the breast for easy access feeding.

Today's Lunch Time Poll is:
WTH do you think about this doll?

Men, Women, Nursing and Non Nursing Mothers chime on in... I will be back to see your comments after I use a Brillo pad to clean out my eyes from the visual and use Listerine to banish the vomit taste from my mouth :)

If you question that I am "FER REALS" it!


  1. Honestly!!!!! a little barberic if you ask me. It's one thing if a child mimics their own mom nursing but to actually take the time to make a doll for children to play with that nurses - I honestly think it's a bit much and a little inappropriate. That coming from the mother of two who chose not to nurse though - just wasn't my thing.

  2. I did not breast feed either. I am not sure why we keep stealing the youth from our children. Why do we have to let them grow up so fast??

  3. Who in the world thinks up these things? Children should be left to use their imagination and creativivty and not be led into designed play,especially something like breast feeding! This goes too far in my opinion.

  4. My daughter mimicked me by nursing a Barney the purple dinosaur stuffed animal every once in a while. She's 11 now and we still joke about it. Do we really need to take it to the next level? I think not.

  5. Well, this is insane! I think that this is gross. I get a little uncomfortable seeing a mother breast feed her child as beaufiful as a bond it may be, but seeing a little girl doing this to a doll that was made to is so wrong. I did not breast feed, bc i did not feel comfortable doing this infront of people, and bc My first would have needed to much of me :)!!
    Let the child play mommy with a regular baby doll and IF she chose to pretend to feed this way then so be it, but make her? No WAY

  6. I breastfed all of my kids and I think it is wrong, wrong, wrong!!! Next they'll be making dolls with real penis, and vajayjays.....

  7. I think that is where we are headed other Dawn!!

  8. I think that is just wrong. that has no bussiness being part of childrens toys. next they will think they can do it for real

  9. Not sure if I see what is so wrong with it. I mean one of the biggest selling dolls is the one that wets herself. What is the difference really? If people didn't put weird connotations on breastfeeding this would be a non- issue. So what if a kid breast feeds her doll? Stealing youth from our children? Not so much this doll. MTV pregnant and 16...hell, now we should all be outraged.

  10. let me get this see nothing wrong with a 5 year old taking out their breast to breast fed a doll?

  11. Nothing wrong with a child pretending or coping what they see Mommy do ---

    But some how the addition of the "Breast Feeding Halter" that comes with the dolly brings it to a different level. Just sayin'.....

  12. 16 and Pregnant is supposed to let "TEENS" know that it is a bad idea. I do not agree with the show, sometimes it looks as if they are glorifying it and I think there is a different target audience then the doll which is obviously for little girls.
