
Thursday, March 24, 2011


DLR Welcomes today's guest blogger...


Want to take that pole dancing class? Try fly fishing? Start a running regime? Or perhaps pottery making or Russian cooking or learning more about Feng Shui has caught your attention, peeked your interests, or maybe raised an eyebrow – stop thinking about it and sign up. Don’t get overwhelmed by the paperwork, or that you might not be able to swing your ass around the pole, or that the application is too long, or who will watch the kids, sign up, get out of your comfort zone and make it happen.  Live life.

Why? Cause life is too damn short.  We’ve seen enough devastation, illness, kidnappings, craziness a la Charlie Sheen in the last 30 days than anyone really needs to be exposed to.   We can’t worry about the laundry, or the dishes in the sink, or what to make for dinner, it will get done, and we know it will get done, it always gets done. 

We, as moms, dads, wives, husbands, friends, sisters, aunts, daughters, sons we need to feed our souls with what makes us happy so we can teach our children, our nieces and nephews, and maybe even some of those closed minded friends, uncles, cousins that it’s okay to live your life, to explore new things,  or revisit old interests, to fail and get back up, to try that Russian cooking class and realize that eh, beef stroganoff is really not for me, or that bikram yoga was good but I think I’d rather do plain yoga cause I am not really into torturing myself for 90 minutes.  Explore Life.

I feel that if I don’t explore my interests and do some of the things that I enjoy my children will not have the courage to go out there and explore their interests.  I feel that it’s my priority as a parent to show my children that it’s okay to try something, not like it and try something else.  It’s okay to fail, and it’s okay to love something you never thought you’d like – even if it’s underwater basket weaving with a bunch of 90 year olds. 

So go explore life, try something new, get out of your comfort zone. Me? I’m going to find some yoga classes, and not bikram, cause I am not into torture. So go grab life by the cojones and do something that will make you smile. Why are you still reading?  Go already!

Again, we welcome our guest blogger Deanna.  
Deanna is the creator of her own blog, The Unnatural Mother.
You can read more from Deanna at


  1. A very warm welcome to you! Well said! We are thrilled to have you at the lounge, Deanna!

  2. YEAH DEANNA!!! Great post :)

  3. Thanks for the WARM Welcome! I am feeling the love!!

  4. Nice Job!! Deanna any idea how many calories that burns? I need to compensate for the Girl Scouts that have been magicial drawn to my mouth lately and landing on my

  5. Deanna is such an inspirational woman. I am proud to call her my friend.

  6. I really love reading your blogs !! They keep my attention !! And I always look for them !! Welcome Girl !!!

  7. Hells bells I am feeling the love. Thank you all! It's a pleasure to be here, and Mr. Walker and Ms. Copp - you are too kind!
    @PattyB - bikram yoga burns about a bizzillion calories, it's redunkulous!

  8. I gotta figure out how to do that Bikram crap...UGGGGH

  9. Been there, done Bikram!
    Wicked - you'll feel and sweat like you ran a half marathon! But once you revive - YOU FEEL SOOO GOOD!
