
Friday, March 18, 2011


Dawn Boyle

After reading Marions' post about the "extreme" Super Moon it got me thinking. When I was pregnant with Sarah the pregnancy that lasted forever, I would stand outside under the moon and BEG for her to come out needless to say it didn't work. Makes me wonder how many women will go into labor tonight with the Super Moon. How many women will get pregnant after this weekends event. There are many old wives tales that support a woman's balance with the moon. I totally agree with it and have proof, all the women in my house have been very hormonal and it seems to me that there are a bunch of crazies out on the road today...

Be safe...send us your pictures of the moon tonight to we will do a blog with our favorite entries entries.  Captions will be placed on photos used within the blog to credit the photographer.  Please include a line in the email that states, I, ________, took this full moon picture and allow Delayed Reaction Lounge to post it.  Pictures need to be an attachment rather then pasted  into the body of the email.

Perhaps, Jillian can be enticed to share an escapade involving a full moon and use the photos there.


  1. Perhaps the "balance" being effected explains how off everything was in my little corner of the world today.
    Nah!!!!! I LOVE A FULL MOON!

  2. well did you take a picture? I hear tonight is the better of the two...stay tuned!

  3. Never Forget: Ted Danson went down on Whoopi Goldberg

  4. Hey Dawn...
    A picture is worth a thousand words...
    Unless of course you are good at painting pictures with words!
