
Saturday, March 26, 2011


Barbara Ward-Finneran

We get through the work week - living for the weekend.  Then, Saturday arrives and there are so many things to conquer.  A giant "To Do" list comes to mind.  Not to mention the regular chores, chaos of kids activities, etc., and if you are lucky social events of some sort.  With the arrival of the weekend there is a whole different level of scheduling and accomplishments to be handled.  The events always seem to come in series of feast or famine. Inconsistent balance ever present even on the "easy off days" of the coveted weekend.

Tomorrow, I have a super Saturday of things to do. (And, despite the hour right now, I still say tomorrow, the day isn't over in my book until there has been some sleep.) So much will wait.  Because in the morning, no one has to be anywhere.  There isn't a
commitment outside of the house to keep until two in the afternoon.  The dishes, the laundry, the design work, the blog, and everything else, even my desired visit to the gym - will wait.  It's gonna be a "Pajama Morning".  As sleep beckons me now - I will take the time and turn off the alarm clocks and shut off the phones.  We will sleep in and have a late brunch.  Reconnect and rejuvenate in PJ's on the couch with my favorite guys.  Cartoon Network, Legos and video game are in my future.

The rest will wait... You watch everything your kids do but somehow, when you are "not looking", your children grow. Everything changes a little each day, the little boy faces on my babies are slipping away.  Won't be long before they no longer ask me, their "Mommy" to play. So tomorrow, I declare it's PJ's till noon and I'm going to be "one of the boys" and do what they do... And, if I'm lucky I'll get lots hugs too.


  1. Let us know how this works out for you!

  2. Enjoy your well-deserved PJ morning with your family. Savor every minute while it lasts, girl.

  3. So true Barbara blink and they are teenagers....bravo for making time to do nothing but focus on just being together!

  4. Sounds like a great day to me! I think I;ll follow your example!

  5. It was such a great morning - we did it again today! :)
    Wasn't planned this morning - it just happened. There is definitely something to be said for scheduled down time. I highly recommend it!
