
Saturday, March 26, 2011


Tony Walker

This is a picture of me with the one & only Sammy Hagar from a few weeks ago.
No I am not the scary looking guy in the middle.... You see the guy with his back to the camera? Right next to his neck you can see my nose! It's me & Sammy Hagar!!!

This may sound a little weird but Sammy Hagar has been a major inspiration to me for a very long time.
When I was a kid.... I still am a kid.... when I was a teenager I saw some of Sammy's videos on MTV, back when MTV played music videos. I became a fan of Hagar's music. Once he joined the mighty Van Halen I became an even bigger Hagar fan. I am one of the few who like Sammy better than Dave.
There was something about Sammy that caught my attention. To me he seemed like a real person. He didn't appear to act like he was a hot shot rock & roll star. All the messages in his music were always upbeat, positive, & fun which I really dug.

So then I would watch Sammy on TV doing interviews. He was always smiling & happy. He wasn't a part of some religion. He wasn't pushing a particular political view. He's not a fall down drunk. He's just a normal slob who is appreciative of his fortunes.

In 1995 I met him for the first time backstage at a VH concert so I got to see this for myself. What a nice guy. I think what draws me to him is I am the same way... I have deep spiritual views but not a supporter of the business of religions. I don't drink. I'm just a big dope who is happy to be alive, happy with the business I run & who I run it with, & love my family.

Sammy just put out his autobiography. I am about half way through & I find him more inspirational now than ever before. This is the story of a boy whose family had to move from place to place because they never could afford where they were, his father was the homeless town drunk, & when Hagar was 21 he had no steady work but was married with a baby. He still managed to pursue his dream & become a major star, a member of the rock & roll hall of fame, & still a fantastic singer & performer.
If Hagar can rise up against all these obstacles so can I, so can you, so can anyone. I highly recommend this book.

Photo courtesy of Tony Walker



  1. ya know he states that he has been abducted by aliens many times.

  2. But that doesn't keep him from being happy & positive! ROCK ON!!!
