
Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Dawn Boyle

This will be a DRL, March 22, 2011, I Dawn Boyle will sorta kinda agree with Tony Walker. I know, shocking right?

So here is my take on this, live and let live. If people want to kiss each other - kiss away. If couples want to watch other people doing the deed - watch away. If you want to go to clubs and swing with other people - swing, swing, swing! Consenting adults can do what they wish, what's so one gets hurt - WHO CARES!
I am a girl magnet. Anyone who knows me and I mean REALLY knows me, probably has at least one story about me where I have been out with them and hit on by a woman. I have been approached with a kiss outside of the bathroom stall, had my boobs groped in the middle of a bar, had a stripper ask me to come up on stage and do a little dance with her (I made a buck). Top 3 off the top of my head.

Am I grossed out - NO! A few years ago I would act prude about it, but the truth is it's flattering when someone is attracted to you. Guy or girl who cares! With that being said - I am NOT a swinger or a lipstick lesbian (the kind of girls Tony was REALLY talking about don't exist in the real world, just porn) I am madly in love with my husband and am currently taking resumes for a "gay husband". Kindly forward resumes to

Check out what Tony said in HE SAID...


  1. Well said Miss Dawn!

  2. Everyone should have the same attitude. The world would be a better place.

  3. Nicely said Dawn. Flatter is the the best form of a complement whether it be from the same sex or the the opposite sex. So be proud that you are noticed from both genders I'm sure there are LOTS of people out there who would LUV that kind of attention. It must be your radiance that they are so drawn to amongest probably some other items as well. :)

  4. Thank you for backing me up Boyle. Yes I am shocked.
    I really have nothing to add except that the girls I talk about are NOT just in porn. I've known a few girls who are totally straight but love some girl girl fun. One girl I knew got off on it because it turned her husband on so much, one girl loved the variety, another was just really into sex... I really miss that girl. LOL

  5. @ Jackie - thanks!
    @ Anonymous - I think once people stop giving a sh*t about stuff that REALLY doesn't affect them our world will be a BETTER PLACE!
    @ Patty B - thanks & you are two funny!! I assure my radiance was not what the one woman was grabbing in the bar ;)
    @ Tony - I can roll with the best of them...I also think it takes a very "special" relationship to withstand inviting others into it. I do not have that kind of security within my self or desire, but again - MORE POWER TO EM' :)

  6. I plead "School teacher"....
    no commenting today - 'nuf said!

  7. I've asked almost all of the girls I've been with if they ever had girl/girl experiences and much more than half have answered YES !

  8. LET ME CLARIFY....I remember clearly the early 90's when it started to be "cool" to make out with your friends out at a club. I do not consider these people lesbians...I think they are just drunk and a little more willing then they would be lets say on a random Wednesday during lunch. Again - not passing judgement, but let's call a spade a spade. Weekend Warriors are not real lesbians...maybe just bi-curious after 6 straight hours of drinking :)
