
Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Tony Walker

Here's one that's probably going to get me crucified!

Ladies.... why do you get so hung up over us guys trying to get you to kiss other women?

It's fun, it's sexy, it's hot, it's sexy, it's beautiful, & it's hot!! What's wrong??

There's been posts on here by me & some others... but mainly me.... about how we all need to loosen up & just enjoy the lovemaking with our partners. Doesn't this fall under that category?

Yes I am one of those men who think 2 gorgeous women kissing is the biggest turn on. To me there is nothing sexier than 2 naked women kissing. Am I a pig? Probably. But this is me & most other men.
Don't get me wrong... I am not replacing this for romance or true lovemaking. I am also not saying this is better than a romantic night with your soulmate. What I am saying is that there is nothing wrong with this as a way to spice things up.

I know some women who love a little girl on girl sometimes. I doubt I'll get someone on here to back me up. But I know you girls are out there!

Years ago when I worked for the phone company I was doing road construction on Hempstead Turnpike in Farmingdale. We were working the overnight shift on a Sunday night right in front of a club. All night long the sexiest women I had ever seen at that time were walking into the place. When we took a break we had to walk over to see what was going on. Well the bouncer let us take a 2 second look. I would never believe what was happening in there if I didn't see it for myself. There were plenty of couples recreation going on in there but that's a whole other blog. As my co worker & I were leaving to head back to work a gorgeous woman pulled into the parking lot. I had to ask her about this club. She told me it's a turn on for her to have people gawking over her, men or women. She said the club was a place to live some fantasies, an escape from real life. Of course I asked that woman to marry me right then & there. She laughed at me & walked away like most women do.

What do you think ladies? Tell if you think this is disgusting & why you think that way. Tell me if you've tried it, why you tried it, & what you thought of it. If you're thinking of trying it, please wait until I'm with you!

Don't miss Ms. Hart's Kiss Me Part I


  1. I love a litlle girl on girl action. Especially if my man is watching me.

  2. How about a little Man on Man action Tony?

  3. Not my fantasy but work on a job that all the guys do is talk about it.

  4. Jackie,
    Does man on man action turn the ladies on like girl on girl does for men?
    I've been told it doesn't.
    But right or wrong, girl on girl seems more acceptable then guy on guy. Most people, men & women, think guy on guy is gross where girl on girl isn't.

  5. I say whatever floats ya boat....I am sure there are people who like guy on guy. What makes that less acceptable then two women? NOTHING!!! I know someone who is into "small people" doesn't make them a bad's just them waving their own FREAK FLAG proudly!

  6. I plead "School teacher"....
    no commenting today - 'nuf said!
