
Monday, March 21, 2011


Barbara Ward-Finneran

When you  know what you want and want it bad enough you find a way to make it happen.  You can't just follow or chase your dreams but, rather, you have to create them.  

Just because women desire to be wives and mothers does not mean the rest of what we dream should lie dormant and unfulfilled. These aspects of our lives does not overshadow that in addition to being wife and mother, we balance our personal lives with professional ones.  Sometimes out of pursuit of professional success, sometimes out of necessity, often a combination of both.  

We manage households, care for family and children, be the evening sex kitten, manage corporations, be an always available BFF, start and or manage small businesses, educate the world, care for the sick, I could go on and on --- the list is endless!  We carry more weight on our shoulders with each passing year to be successful at a laundry list of endless tasks, obligations and labors of love.  

Learning to walk in higher heels to new peaks that no longer plateau - requires great balance! Day in and day out.  Long gone are the days of of the "June Cleaver", "Marion Cunningham", "Carol Brady" and rest of that pool of personas.  So where do your dreams fit in?  How much sleep can one sacrifice to fit in more time? (more then one should - I have taken up napping, to a nights sleep quite a few days a week) To fit in"me time"?  Time to dream, attain goals, to just be --- to just be YOU!  Not Mom, friend, wife, daughter, etc...  

It may not be easy.  But it is ABSOLUTELY necessary!  One must chisel out time to be alone enough with your own thoughts, that you can hear your heart's desire.  That you can remember what you want - for you - and not everyone else.  One must fine time to figure out what makes you happy.  What at thirty-something, forty-something, or fifty-something you still dare to dream.   It is the only way to fill up what may be a void, - that you feed with all the wrong "nourishment".  

No matter where you are - look at each day as a gift and a blank page.  The first in story that you get to author.  Be positive about your wants and desires.  Speak them into being. Even at times when it feels like every plan you had for your future has collapsed or is seemingly unattainable.  You have to choose happy!  You have to choose to dream!  And, then you have to balance the life you are in with the diligence, and extraordinary determination and devotion to make it happen! Prayers, blood sweat and tears along every step of the way- but it's worth it!  You are worth it!  

It certainly isn't easy... but, I will say you wouldn't be reading this blog or be hangin' at the lounge - if I didn't work each day - to practice what I "preach".

Dare to envision all that you want your life to be... then dare to do it!  

 The proof is in the view, standing in your "stilettos", from the top of your dreams!  


  1. LOVE this post.
    Well said Barbara!!!
    So many of us lose ourselves when we become parents, get jobs, etc. Then we wake up one day & wonder what the hell happened.
    It's all about following your dreams no matter what, having fun, & of course getting naked.

  2. Hey, watch those comments about Marion Cunningham!(That was my maiden name!!!) LOL! Great pos Barb, and I couldn't agree more.

  3. At times it seems easier to focus on those around us instead of ourselves. We should not put off our desires and dreams. You don't get the years back. Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. I have become a big believer in my mantra that I have embraced for over two years now, "Keep the promises you make to yourself". Only when we fill ourselves up with self-love, respect, confidence and happiness can we really give those things to those we love and put those things out in the world.

    Everyday you have to choose - but you must include YOURSELF in those choices... The rest will follow! (another fav!)
