
Friday, April 8, 2011

Bad Boys

Marion Pellicano Ambrose

Why is it women are attracted to the “bad boys”?  From Marlon Brando and James Dean to Russell Crowe and Sean Penn, women throughout the ages seem to go for the “outlaw” type.

Many people believe it’s a basic instinct for women to seek out strong, tough men because of their survival of the fittest gene. Others believe that women have a basic need to be dominated. Before you jump down my throat, Jillian, I don’t believe this for a minute!) Still others feel that women are attracted to these men for the excitement and unpredictability they bring to a relationship, but when it comes time to choose a husband, they look for someone who will love and cherish them and be sensitive to their needs.

Personally, I think I’m attracted to some (not all) “bad boys” because I believe that underneath they’re not really so bad. Most of the TV and Movie bad boys eventually show their soft side because of the love of a woman or child. They may be tough, but they can also be tender. My husband has some of the characteristics of a bad boy. He’s very masculine, self confident and independent. In addition, he has what I consider the sexiest characteristic of all – he’s protective of what is his. That includes me! Nothing makes a woman feel more feminine and cherished than having her man be prepared to knock someone out for her! It’s even better if there’s a little jealousy once in a while! I know he’d never raise a hand to me and he respects me as a woman and as a human being. He’s not into “sappy” displays of affection, but in his own way, he lets those he loves know without a doubt.
The big mistake some women make is going for a guy who is a “bad boy” in real life. These guys are arrogant and self centered.  They don’t take anyone else’s needs or feelings into account, and treat women badly. They strut their masculinity and often use women for sex or other selfish purposes. The worst case scenario is those who physically or mentally abuse women. In my opinion, these men are not men at all.

So my advice to you women; enjoy watching the bad guys in the movies and on TV, but when you’re looking for the one to spend the rest of your life with, it’s fine if he’s someone who can be strong and masculine, but make sure he’s the type that will love, respect and cherish you forever.

Click on the link to see one of my favorite “bad boys”!


  1. Interesting thoughts. I have always prefered the clean-cut type myself. Bad boys looked like way too much effort. Relationships should be fun and easy, not edgy.

  2. I ONLY dated clean cut boys....I married a biker - I changed everything about him and now he looks like an accountant :)

  3. I have to admit I dated my quota of bad boys! I think it was more to taunt my parents,but it was fun! I married one like yours Marion, just a little bit bad - enough to keep it interesting!

  4. Russell Crowe can be my bad boy anytime. Love those bad boys!
