
Friday, April 8, 2011


Dawn Boyle

It started when I was little. I would wake up in the middle of the night and hear the silverware drawer slam shut, repeatedly. I always swore someone was in my room or my closet, although I couldn't see them. I knew they were there.

I grew up having vivid nightmares and would never sleep in my room, I would end up either on the floor of my parents room or on the couch. Then things changed, it wasn't just in my sleep that things were happening.

My episodes were now being experienced by other people. The first was when I was about 14 years old. My parents were out with my brothers and I was staying with a friend on the block. It was Christmas time and my family always had the biggest tree. A bunch of friends and I were out Christmas Caroling in the neighborhood and some girls in the group asked to see the tree. We went into my house, I walked to the back room and turned on the tree lights. All the girls stood in the doorway, we all heard something, it sounded like footsteps upstairs on the wood floor in the hallway. We all scurried to the foyer. At that time we had a dog named Sam, she was an outside dog. Sam would run inside the house given the chance. Not that night, Sam stayed whimpering at the door to the kitchen, frozen.

Years had passed and I was about 19 years old. A boyfriends sister asked me to go have my palm read with her, that was the first time I was told. The woman was about 45 years old, as soon as I saw her I instantly was overcome with chills. I sat down. She asked me how long I had the gift? I was unsure what she was talking about. She then told me of a few of my experiences growing up. She told me I was chosen. I told her I didn't want to be chosen. I didn't want to be scared anymore. She explained that there was no reason to be afraid. The spirits around me were there to protect, they were good. I left there still on the fence about it all.

My first episode was with an old boyfriend. We were babysitting for his sister (the one I had the reading with) in Northport, New York. She had a beautiful old house. In one room was a giant fireplace it took up the entire wall. I had been to the house a number of times, but this was the room to which I was always drawn. Rich and I were sitting on the couch directly across from us was a love seat. We both witnessed what appeared to be an old woman, sitting with a hat on and gloves her hands placed on her lap. She was not frightening and was gone within seconds. We both saw it.

My husband and I bought our first home from my family. It was the house my parents started out in when they first got married and when I was born. We lived there until 1975. I bought the house from my Uncle. He was failing in health and we decided as a family it was the best for everyone. Uncle Teddy would move upstairs and Greg and I would live downstairs after we got married. We basically gutted the house. Starting with the upstairs apartment first. Got it all ready to go and moved my Uncle up there July 4th weekend 1999. He passed away 4 weeks later in that apartment, Greg was downstairs. How he died is another story for another time. It was horrible, my parents were in Maryland getting my little brother settled in at College. Me, my brother, Tommy, and Greg had to take care of everything. I was actually put on Xanax to deal with the situation. After everything and my uncle was laid to rest my cousin Lisa and I went up the apartment and boxed everything. About a week later I was outside in the back yard, my Aunt had the best garden. She grew amazing roses. I was outside tending to it. A friend of my husbands was inside doing electrical work on the first floor. We both heard an alarm going off, like a clock radio. He came to the back door as I was walking towards it. We walked around to the bedroom, it wasn't that alarm clock. We got closer to the stairs and realized it was coming from upstairs. We walked up together, in the room where my Uncle had passed exactly a week prior - his unplugged alarm clock was going off. There were no batteries.

About 8 months after that, I was getting ready for work. I was in the bedroom on the first floor drying my hair. I thought I heard music. It was so loud I actually thought it was a car outside. I walked to the windows with the dryer still going - no car. I turned off the dryer, walked into the living room - the stereo was blasting, the dishwasher turned on and the hair dryer I put down on the floor turned on all at the same time.

We moved from that house in 2004. It took everything in me to leave there. It was my home. We sold it to family members, but they couldn't stay and never actually moved in. They sold the house within a year. There has only been one episode since we have moved. A friend was sleeping over, she was woken by my dog barking and the dryer turned on by itself at about 4:30am.

Other then that... "it" has been pretty quiet.

I still am skeptical about it, but have had experiences in all homes that I have lived in, seen not only by me, but by others.  Have you ever had those "it" moments?



  1. I am very open to spirits as well and have had a host of bizarre experiences in my life starting as a little girl. The time at your house was totally wierd because I was the last person up. I locked the doors and turned out all the lights. When the dryer went on the light downstairs went on too. I have chills!

  2. Very cool post Dawn! You should see a reputable psychic to find out exactly what your gift entails and who it that keeps visiting you! Come on down to Florida and I'll take you to Casadaga! I hope you took the Paranormal Pub survey!

  3. Everyone loves you Dawn - even the spirits!

  4. My father passed in 1980. I met him once in 1975. I bought my first house in 1994. In the 6 years I lived there my father appeared to me a few times. I have not seen him since. Why he appeared to me in that house I'll never know... it's not like he lived there or even in that town. In fact where I live now was the town he grew up in as a child. But no sightings since I moved here.

  5. Visits are interesting...I would love to hear from our readers if anyone has knowledge of why they stop....Mr. Rothschild?

  6. ive had experiences like that all my life. Good to hear Im not alone.

  7. Very spooky Dawn. I have never had any paranormal experiences. Abnormal maybe. Also, I really like that name, "The Paranormal Pub." I would definately like to have a few paranormal beverages there.

  8. Dawn, the footsteps you heard are what are known as a residual haunting. Given the fact that your family owned the home previous it would seem to me that it was likely your grandparents and further still I would surmise it was your grandfather. I'm friends with a number of Psychics that I can connect you to if you wanna get read Janet Russell, Jim Fargiano, Joe Giaquinto, or Jeffrey Wands.

  9. hmmm...I often think about it "Soul" - but since it has been quiet and am a little nervous that it would stir "IT"
