
Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Tony Walker

It's Wednesday & I am feeling WICKED alright... Wicked for Boyle!!!!

I first met Boyle in the 10th grade in Mr. LaMarca's English class. God was she smokin!!! Unfortunately too smokin for a nerd like me. Boyle had all the jocks drooling for her. Why would you want a nerd (who also bordered on being a dirtbag) when you could have a jock?

So for the remainder of high school I just admired from afar. She was gorgeous, funny, witty, & gorgeous.

Then came graduation & we lost touch... we were never that close to begin with.

Fast forward 20 years. I attend my high school reunion where an old friend says that we should keep in touch through Facebook. I had no idea what Facebook was. I checked it out and found friends I hadn't seen in ages! Then I come across the name Dawn Boyle Kostadkjahldkjhis. Could it be? Is it the one & only? It is!! It's Boyle! She looks better than ever! I suddenly felt like that kid in 10th grade again.... if only I had more hair & less belly like the 10th grade kid..... she's still gorgeous, funny, witty, and gorgeous.

This time things are different. I am no longer the dirtbag nerd. Now I am a big dope. But we become friendly.... friendlier than we ever were in high school. Boyle is more awesome than ever!! Now we are great friends, she lets me ramble on her web site, I'm trying to get her involved in my business, and she has become one of my favorite people!! I need Boyle love & I need it ASAP!!!

So my Lounge Friends... I invite you to comment below & tell us why you love Boyle. Everyone needs some Boyle in their lives. Tell us why. Have you found the Boyle who was missing in your life?  Does Facebook get the credit?   Has a Facebook Friend, become more fun???? Again, comment and tell us why!


  1. I have to say, Tony you are one of a kind! I never looked at you as a dirtbag in High School. I thought you were a very sweet guy that sat next to me in class. You always made me laugh, which is most wonderful. There is a saying 20/20 is hindsight - TRUE...TRUE...TRUE! Although I am still close friends with many of the guys I dated, it takes growing up to realize who the best people are. I never dated someone because of their High School Status and I certainly didn't marry someone because of it either. My husband and I were complete opposites. He was dark Harley Bad Boy Biker and I was plaid skirts with penny loafers and sweaters tied around my neck.
    In my life I have always saught after the insides of people I keep around me and in my group - outside changes all the time, beauty within is something that comes natural for wonderful people - like you TONY!
    Thanks for being my friend and always having such nice things to say about me - you rock!

  2. Dawn was always such a sweet person.

  3. Dawn and I connected thru Facebook as well !!! I was going thru a crazy time in my life and for 2 years her posts kept popping on my wall .. I knew instantly we had the same love of life .. I knew instantly I wanted to be her neighbor and I knew instantly she was an awesome person and a true friend to the people in her life .. She has proved me right !! She has been a great friend ,, Has talked me to a better place more than once .. Makes me laugh hysterically and has such a way of looking at situations .. That I go from thinking my life is horrible to thinking it is fabulous just from talking to her !!!!! You ROCK DAWN F"N BOYLE !!!!

  4. Thanks Anonymous & Jennifer F'N COPP! FUN SUMMER AHEAD!

  5. I met Dawn through Barbara and Delayed Reaction Lounge! I think she's funny and smart and an exceptional writer. I'm glad to know her!

  6. It has been a pleasure to get to know you! Online connections are not to be overlooked. They have real value and can produce lasting relationships!

  7. Thanks everyone!!! I gotta tell ya, I have been having a rough week - the <3 on here made me smile!

  8. The crazy ride that made our paths cross was worth it - cause here we are! <3 you partner!
