
Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Jenn Copp

My heart goes out to the family of the woman who drove her kids to their death in the Hudson River. Not knowing the full details and hearing it had to do with domestic disputes makes me sad. I know so many people going through divorces and watch as the parents can't get along. It saddens me that for the sake of their children they can't make it as smooth as possible. A lot of times one person is helpless in the process as the other person is going to show them paybacks. Not paying child support, not making sure their kids will be taken care of. Why does this have to be?  It is hard enough on the children. Do they have to be in the middle of a domestic war. Splitting from a significant other is hard enough, to feel so desperate that you drive your children into a river is the saddest thing I have heard. In my life I am a fixer, be it a good or bad trait I am still figuring it out but I wish I could one day reach out to people in need and help them.


  1. My heart goes out to the family, but especially to the son who was able to escape from the car. One of the saddest things I see is children being used as weapons by their parents in an ugly divorce. Just a horrible tragedy.

  2. it is such a sad story...a friend of mine last night mentioned how everyone in really taking it to the next level in this life. It used to be someone just killed themself - now they wipe out their entire high school or family - mental illness or not, it is horrific.

  3. It was really something that should never have happened !!!
