
Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Tony Walker

Brace yourselves.... my He Said post for this week is not sexual! I know that's hard to believe coming from me. Sorry.

One thing I've seen many of you sexy ladies complain about at The Lounge is that your man does not help you enough around the house. Well if you ladies are anything like my wife I may know why.
First a little history.... from the moment my wife moved into my house I helped with household chores. Since life is all about sex, I was always looking for ways to score points. What better way to score right?
Fast forward a few years to when I started my cancer fun. I was laid up for 3 years so my wife had to do EVERYTHING in the house. Once I was back on my feet, or in my case foot, I did not help with the chores right away. We both became accustomed to my wife doing everything. It wasn't a conscious decision for me not to help, it was just what I was used to after 3 years. My wife was used to it too. It took her awhile to realize that things did not have to be this way anymore.

So a few years ago she came to see & said she wants me to help like used to. No argument here. There is no reason why I can't help. So I immediately did.

So here's where I get to my point of this post.... once my wife started doing everything she develpoed a formula, or routine, of how she liked each chore to be done. Once I took back some chores I used to do she was not happy with the way I did them! Understand what I am saying.... I wasn't doing these chores wrong or poorly, I was not doing them HER WAY!! "I don't like the way you're loading the dishwasher!" WHAT?! "You don't put enough clothes in the washing machine!" EXCUSE ME?? She has actually said those things to me.

So here's my question to you ladies... do you do the same thing to your men? Do you complain they are not helping enough but when they do you don't like the way they're doing it? It makes no sense to me. You're no longer schlepping down to the basement to mess with the dirty clothes. The dishes are getting clean. What the hell do you care how I load the dishwasher?? Bang zoom.....


  1. If the dishes come clean I'm ok but putting them away is where I have a problem (I don't ever say it) but pots get put inside eachother . I have glass door cabinets and my dishes have to be even , 6 plates on each side 6bowls ect ...

  2. Guilty as charged! You're right Tony, I have done this in the past, but my husband cured me by saying "If you don't like the way I do it, you can do it yourself!" and he's right! I've become more tolerant and if I don't like how it was done, I keep my mouth shut and "fix" it afterwards!

  3. I have been guilty as charged--- but I learned to embrace compromise! My two cents in my She Said...

  4. I read your two cent's Barb, and I'll raise you a quarter... Keep stroking that male ego and oh the places you'll go!

  5. Oh, Tony Baby, almost forgot you! Always stepping up - good for you! Keep it up, "Mr. I Want More"... housework can be a form of foreplay!

  6. Keep it up???
    You want more????
    Oh yeah baby!!!

  7. HA! Always the funny man, Tony.....
