
Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Dawn Boyle

Yesterday after receiving notification about "unspecified" delays on the railroad that my husband takes in/out of Manhattan, I instantly got nervous, post 9/11 thoughts raced through my head. Then again yesterday driving over several bridges I thought the similar things.

Are there everyday occurances that you sometimes think about differently post 9/11? Is this only true for those states hit the hardest?  Share your thoughts and comments?


  1. Lived it, experienced it and survived it 1st hand. Lost many friends and acquaintences on that day. There isn't a single day gone by since then that something odd or random happens that takes me right back to that day. It can be a sight, sound, smell or the simple fact that every time I look at a clock or scoreboard, it says "9:11" I would give anything to not have had to experience that day in the manner we did. It will be with me for as long as I breathe.

  2. Even from far away - there are things you think twice about now that trigger memories and instant prayers.

  3. The NYC girl in me died a little that day - no one has ever been the same... the world will never be the same.
