
Monday, April 18, 2011


Dawn Boyle

Over the River and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go! Today is the first of much traveling that I will do for this HOLY WEEK! Today we will celebrate Passover with my mother-in-law and her family. Then Sunday we split the day. Greek Easter at my brother and sister-in-laws in Bayville, NY and then we hit my Aunts for my Easter with my family...lots of food, lots of fun, lots of driving!

How are you spending the holidays?
Are you like me, do you celebrate multiple religious holidays?
Do you split the holidays with your spouse and their family?
When does it get easier?
Share your thoughts and comments. We always love to hear from you!


  1. You are the reason for the down fall of all religions! PICK ONE!

  2. Me??? I am the product of tolerance and acceptance...I have picked one religion. I have been Roman Catholic my entire life. I happened to marry someone who's parents are different religions. Sounds like someone is very narrow minded.

  3. We don't celebrate any religious holidays so we don't have to do anything.

  4. Dawn, I love that you celebrate all the different faiths! I'm Catholic but I've always taught my children about other beliefs and customs. We do a seder(Jewish),make Easter Bread and Pizza Rustica(Italian),we do all the Holy Week activities (Stations othe Cross,Reenactmet of the Lasr Supper-Catholic) and the usual Easter Egg dying and egg hunt. We also make Lent pretzels (German) and Hot Cross Buns on Ash Wednesday (Irsh/English).It does teach tolerance and an appreciation of diversity which is what America has always valued! It also builds community, strengthens families and is lots of fun!

  5. The Roman Catholic Church is the biggest scam of all time. Bottled water a distant second.
    It is one of the richest entities in the world if not the richest. You give me money now, and I'll see that you're taken care of after you die.

    And that's not all you get! We will also include control of your sexuality and give you plenty of others to hate! After all, our path is the only true path, so those on the other path are, well...
    And the followers of the religion stray from the true path? Well, they're only human, and must be forgiven, although we will not forgive others not on our path. And even though we forgive you, if you dare leave the catholic church, that fact is noted in the register of the person's baptism.

    Don't forget to donate to the church this weekend, they're running low on funds...

  6. Wow! I guess that is why We aren't supposed to discuss Religion and Politics. Very heated lunch time poll. I will teach my kids about all Spiritual views, but Im really not down for "organized Religion" but I read the Bible and love JESUS!

  7. Mr Scene - aren't all religions the same??? It has become a business. But I think that would be a blanket statement for ALL of them.

    Dr. Tray and Jackie - Live and Let Live! What works for you is the best!

  8. I think the point of your religious views and own spiritual practices from your religion is getting blurred with practices of the Religion as a "Church" or "Institution". Religion has it's own set of politics.

    When it comes to spiritualness and faith - love based beliefs, kindness and tolerance should be embraced!

  9. It's your faith that forms you - who are any of us to judge?

    Agreed - live and let live - teach and demonstrate kindness and tolerance along the way.

    .... Geez, Charlie, all worked up in a whole new way. Take a breather baby...
