
Monday, April 18, 2011


Dawn Boyle

Well it happened. Seems like over night the prices of gas has soared to over $4.00 a gallon. The all time high was two years ago in July when it topped at $4.41. We will see that and probably raise it. Rumors are buzzing that we will hit $5.00 a gallon by the time summer is in full swing.

Why isn't our government opening up our reserves? Why aren't we drilling off our shores? Why is it that any chance of the economy bouncing back has been destroyed by the disturbance in the Middle East?

I am heading Upstate today for Passover. I drive through Jersey for about 20 minutes. I will be filling up there, for some reason they are about 50 cents cheaper a gallon!

New websites are popping up all over trying to help the consumer, check out gasbuddy!


  1. Supply and demand. The real questions we should be asking are why are we not buying fuel efficient vehicles, why are we not installing government subsidized wind and solar on our homes, why are we letting big oil rob us blind. Oil demand is rising world wide and supply is limited, opening the STRATEGIC reserves doesn't solve anything. It's like putting a band aid over a deep cut instead of getting stiches. Think about this, the last four presidents and the congresses during their time have not only done nothing to raise mileage standards, they have actively worked to lower them. The result bankrupted American based auto manufacturing and has decimated the towns and cities associated with them. Take a hard look at the pictures here this was once a thriving city and the places you see in those pictures were occupied not that long ago. So when the price at the pump is high, think about what you can do first. Then you can point your finger at somebody else.

  2. Why dont you run for office?

  3. John was that to me or Garyo?

  4. I've worked in government before. I certainly would not do well in office. Besides we can do things to make a difference. Walk, ride bikes and use public transportation when you can. When you can't purchase highly fuel efficient cars. Have solar heat, solar electric and wind installed on your home. Switch your energy bills to green solutions. Yes you will pay a little more in being an early adopter in some cases, but you will be helping the world. And you actually will end up ahead in the long run with adding Solar and wind to your home or business...

  5. Do what you can to make your little corner of the world a little "greener"! Lots of little efforts can add up to big changes.
