
Monday, April 18, 2011

Random Rants

Tony Walker

I have nothing to rant about today so I will instead share a funny story.

In October of 1989 my Grandmother died.... no that is not the funny part. I'm strange but I am not that bad.

She was laid to rest at Holy Rood Cemetery in Westbury, NY. 
The whole family was at the cemetery for the final part of the funeral. 
One town over from Westbury is Hicksville which is where I grew up. Since we lived so close to the cemetery, and since I lived with my Grandmother until a few years before she passed, I used to go to the cemetery often to visit my Grandfather. My Grandmother was getting buried on top of him.
So when the funeral was over a cousin of mine, who didn't live nearby so has hardly ever been to the cemetery, said he couldn't see the headstone from where we were standing due to the casket, dirt pile, etc. So I led the way, knowing exactly where Grandpa's name was on the headstone.

The dirt pile was covered with a tarp. The tarp was huge so it covered the dirt and also was on the ground. In order to get to the headstone I walk right next to the dirt, stepping on the tarp.

Turns out under the tarp was no dirt, no ground, no nothing. I fell into the grave!!
Luckily Grandpa was there so I only fell 6 feet. If he wasn't there I would've went 18 feet! So Grandpa saved my ass.

I landed on my feet... I had 2 feet then.... but the impact was so hard that everything fell out of my pockets... keys, wallet, etc. Being only 6 feet down should be no problem for a 5 foot 10 man to climb out. But I couldn't find my keys so I had to dig around to find them. My mother freaked out because she didn't know how deep I fell so before I found the keys I had to put my hand up and wave to let her know I was ok but I had to find my keys!

This funeral turned out to be the most hilarious afternoon. The whole family couldn't stop laughing. The limo drivers who took us home were wondering why this family that just left a funeral was laughing so hard!

I guess Grandma was trying to take me with her but it wasn't meant to be.

1 comment:

  1. Watch out, Tony might jump in your grave really fast-
    What a blessing and gift to create humor & smiles out of tears - even hen it's an accident!
