
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Paranormal Pub Survey: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

We’re happy to publish the results of our Paranormal Pub Survey. Apparently, most of us have strong beliefs about the supernatural and have first hand experience to back it up! Feel free to write us at to tell us some of your personal encounters with the paranormal!

1. Do you believe in ghosts?                               Yes 76.5%        no 17.6%      not sure 5.9%

  2. Have you ever had a paranormal                     Yes 70.6%       no  23.5%     not sure 5.9%

  3. Have you ever seen a Psychic/                        Yes 64.7%        no 35.3%

  4.Have you ever seen or communicated               Yes 47.1%        no 52.9%
     with a departed loved one?

  5.Do you believe in Tarot cards or                       Yes 29.4%       no 41.2%      not sure 29.4%
     other devices that supposedly
     fortel the future?

  6. Do you believe in the afterlife?                        Yes 94.1%       no 0%    no answer  5.9%

  7. Do you believe that dreams can fortel the future? Yes 58%         no 17.6%    not sure 23.5%

  8. Do you have any memory of a past life?          Yes 11.8%     no 88.2%    

  9. Do you believe in past lives?                          Yes 41.2%     no 23.5%     not sure 35.3%

 10.Do you regularly watch TV shows about        Yes 41.2%      no 17.6%     not sure 41.2%
  the paranormal?

Thank you to all who participated in our survey. We hope you will continue to enjoy our features in The Paranormal Pub. Please feel free to comment and tell us what you would like to see more of, any ideas you want explored or any comments/suggestions for our writers.


  1. Shocked to see so many believe in the afterlife. I do but I always thought there were more people who didn't.

  2. I'm loving all he stuff from Paranormal Pub. The stories are great from all your authors and it was neat to find out what people think. Some of the results were pretty surprising.

  3. Great way for people to talk to us! Thanks Marion - always a good read when you are at the Lounge!!!

  4. How can people be "not sure" if they watch paranormal TV shows? Crazy! I love everything paranormal and have enjoyed your stories and this survey.I've seen the spirit of my grandmother three times in my life, each a time of great stress or anxiety. It let me know that things would be OK.

  5. "I do believe in spooks, I do believe in spooks, I do,I do , I do believe in spooks!"
