
Thursday, April 21, 2011


Dawn Boyle

We have discussed Ghosts in Paranormal Pub and you have taken the poll which leads us to believe that you DO think there are Ghosts and other paranormal phenomena. Today's Lunch Time Poll, we ask you if you believe in U.F.O's and aliens.

It would be naive of us to think we are ALONE and that there isn't anybody out there! There are a number of sites on the web that are dedicated to sightings. They talk about an influx of sightings since the Tsunami last month.

Below are two YouTube video's. Take a look and let us know what you think...

Do you believe in U.F.O's and Aliens?

Have you ever seen one?


  1. Yes ! I've seen some things in the sky that freaked me out !

  2. I also have seen crazy things in the sky, especialy when I'm on my boat..a couple times @ night but the real scary event was on a day like today!

  3. Liz & Anonymous....what did you guys see??

  4. Yes, do tell! Inquiring minds want to know!

    As for me, I do believe! I agree there is just too much vast "space" out there to simply believe it's just us. When my older son, who is on the autism spectrum was teased about "believing" in and loving Star Wars, I took him outside on a star filled night and we talked about the endless possibilities. That although the movies and shows he loves are stories, and if each star is a sun like he learned in school, that it is practically impossible not to consider that there are other worlds quite like and different from our own, even quite like "Star Wars".......

  5. Yeah, I've seen UFOsApril 21, 2011 at 1:34 PM

    Aliens are responsible for Velcro, the pyramids, crop circles, and abduction probably explains some of the celebrities of the world, and who knows what else!!!

  6. I would love to be abducted and they suck all the fat out of my body and I wake up in a field with the body of a goddess :) One can dream!

  7. Dream big, Dawn! Don't forget to dream a "god-like" fun lovin' alien next to you! Ha ha ha ha....

  8. I saw what looked like a star, shooting back and forth in the same pattern for about a minute. But waaaaay too close to be a star. Saw this in 1979 over Westbury with my grandparents andsister. and again in 1995 over Uniondale with my sister

  9. Mine was like a shotting star but it had a deep blue color glow, when i saw it @ night it was a firey red...& then it went behind a cloud. I wish I was abducted to a land of virgins & alcohol....;)

  10. When I was young my father and aunt saw something over Gardiners Bay....freaked them out!

  11. Dawn you already have the body of a Goddess.

  12. I spent my summers in Pine Bush, New York which is supposed to be a real hotspot for UFO sightings, but unfortunately I never saw a thing or had one of Dawn's aliens abduct me and suck the fat out! I certainly believe we are not alone!
