
Thursday, April 21, 2011


Tony Walker

The lovelies at the Lounge are looking for someone to write about sports. I am not a sports buff. The only sport I go absolutely gaga for (other than naked activities) is baseball.

However, I am not going gaga right now because I am a Met fan. The Metropolitans organization (from this point on I am calling that organization the Madoffs) should be ashamed of the way they've handled this team. I hate to say this... as someone who has met Fred Wilpon (The Madoffs owner) he truly seems like a nice guy who loves baseball & his team. But the time has come to sell because he has lost control.

The signings of unknown or past their prime players, the big contracts of players who probably can't even play little league ball, & the one that kills me the most - the handling of hurt players. Remember in 2009 when it seemed like every player on the team was hurt? Why is the same medical/training staff still there??? These guys were obviously not conditioning these players right! Of course this season is only a few weeks in and The Madoffs have 3 players on the "Disabled List"! And why is Carlos Beltran, still on the team? When he came back last season from his ailments they should have traded him as soon as he started hitting. He was still a name then & The Madoffs could have gotten some real talent in return. Now everyone knows Beltran is damaged.

I predict here that Carlos Beltran will not make it through the season.

Then you have the whole Madoff scandal. Don't get me started on that.....
Sell now before you become worse than the team of the late 70's!!!


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