
Monday, April 4, 2011


Barbara Ward-Finneran

This wasn't my planned rant for today (If one really plans a rant that is, at any rate - it is not what I was thinking about blogging earlier today.) However with Dawn & Marion up on the site "talking" the trials of shopping it seems only fitting to join the crowd otherwise my comments on their posts would be blogs unto themselves.

Every thing you buy has gone up, up, up!  (And, we know the size is down!) That multiplies how much it cost to cover every expense from food shopping, to utilities, to haircuts and car care, etc., etc.  Apply that to your budget and it divides what is left for every household area.  If you are in an occupation like mine - raises haven't been seen in years and as a "specialist", my department was cut and caused a 20% pay reduction to boot.  Stretching to make ends meet has resulted all to often in the snap back of late fees and insufficient funds at times.  No matter how well you master "robbing Peter to pay Paul" and doing creative financing with your bills.... it seems and endless cycle these days.  Shortages used to be more of an occasional happening and less the regular situation.  With my husband's disability I am the main bread winner in my household, a challenging & stressful state of affairs for both him, me and the budget. 

I feel like I'm working harder then I ever have in my life yet we are so in the red just trying to meet needs.  I am not complaining - things could be worse.  I am thankful for all the blessings we have and I know there are people who have it far worse.  (Yet there are those that also use and abuse the systems set up to help people. That's another blog!)  However, with all my work hours, duties, and responsibilities  multiplying I am so OVER the constant divide that still exists in every budget line.  Less is NOT more when it comes to trying to stay a float in a drowning economy.  

When is it going to turn a corner?!?!  There aren't any more hours in a day to work...  Lord knows, I can't give up any more sleep and still function! When will there be a raise, a change, a chance to multiply income and divide down the debt?  Will we ever see a time like that again... I for one am ready for a change!

I for one will keep trying to create a change - do good and good will happen - - -
Until then, I'll keep counting the pennies, every single one........

1 comment:

  1. Amen sista. The fear of any shopping (you know I do ALOT) has me in tears every month. My plastic is used more then I care to because the good old dollar can't stretch far enough most weeks. I too would love change and maybe some change to put in my piggy bank would be SWEET too. :)
