
Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Tony Walker

A hot love scene in a movie. Flirting with a pretty woman. Dirty talk. Reading a Jillian Hart story. Looking at Playboy. These are all things that make a man masturbate. Masturbating is fun and relieves some stress. Once in a while it relieves the man putting pressure on the woman for some lovin. So why do some women get mad at their man for doing it?

I know plenty of women who get mad at their man for masturbating. These guys have to hide the porn and get rid of any evidence that the act took place, like it's some horrible crime. If it's a crime bring on the handcuffs!  Handcuffs Anyone?

Do I happen to know prude women? Or do you know a lot of women who get mad at their men for doing this? If you know, someone, please tell me why they get mad.

Men love watching women masturbate. So what's the big deal?  

Do women feel the models in porn are prettier? (Which they're not by the way!)

Do women feel it's just too dirty?

On the other side of the coin, I do know a few women who loves masturbating and watching others.  They even like others watching them. It's a turn on. I happen to think it's a turn on too.

What do you think? Please comment...



  1. much comes to mind when reading this....I am going to have to collect myself and once the children have gotten on the bus I will express my comments Tony. Don't hurt yourself while you wait!

  2. You know I think some women may be insecure at the beautiful women in magazines, etc....what they don't realize is that the sexiest thing to a man is a woman who wants him.....

  3. You go Tony !! WHATEVER MAKES YOU HAPPY !!!! LOL !! You only live once !!!

  4. I find it a bit harsh that anyone would be upset w/ their partner "pleasing" themself for any reason. I get off on the fact that my spouse is happy and fulfilled and though I LOVE being the one to help him out, I encourage anything that pleases him! When a man or a woman can please themselves it makes them a stronger lover, a more compassionate lover. I say play away!

  5. Tony, I literally tell my Husband to go in the other room and put his porn on and go to town. I think of it as a seragant wife who takes care of business when I don't want to. Unless He is dating a porn star Im not worried.

  6. Doris - I'm thinking you nailed it!

    As for Jenn & Michael... agreed, live & let live! EVERYBODY BE HAPPY! In all ways!

    Dawn, we need to talk, girlfriend....

    My turn to collect my thoughts and chime in. Hang in there Tony... I will "SHE SAID" and I'm working on finishing up that cab ride! ;)

  7. nicely put Doris. As one MIGHT TELL READING THE BLOG A LITTLE BACKWARDS TODAY..SORRY. Tony is there an chance some Women might feel I don't know hurt. Why does a guy feel the need to release on whim. When us women have more control of our bodies? Why is it if it doesn't happen with you guys right away its like a volcano about to explode. Really get control men. Its obvious that you guys have way too much time on your hands and need to consentrate on other things in life besides instant gradification.

  8. I think Michael and Doris said it best!!
