
Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Dawn Boyle

Mr. Walker...sometimes I think men should bend down, reach up and pull their heads out of their....

Most women I know, with the exception of Jillian, are entirely too self conscience. They are constantly comparing themselves with everything and everyone. Now you bring porn "stars" into the mix. This my friend is a complete FAIL! I do not want to look at a bleached blond, giant fake knocker, silicone lip injected sex kitten before I am about to have sex. MOST women do not look like them. So now the already self conscience woman feels that the sex kitten is what turns on their significant other more then the granny panties with the giant t-shirt and the muffin top we are rocking after baring your children and a day filled with work and cleaning your dirty tighy whities while making you dinner.

Leave the porn alone - ROMANCE and helping aroud the house or with the kids is what turns me on!


  1. WOO HOO !! You took the words right out of my mouth !!! Their is someone for everyone !! I know .. But if it's PORN that rocks you out of your socks !! And ur significant other is not into it .. Than you have someone who is faking it ANYWAY !! OOOHHHH BABBBBYYY THHHATTT WAASSSS SOOOO GOOOOODDD !!!!! NOT !!

  2. Jenn and Dawn, I love you both! I couldn't have said it better!

  3. Have any of you ever been told that the woman in the film is hotter than you?
    Have you ever been told the woman in the film is turning him on more than you?
    Watching porn should be a shared experience, not something just for the guy or girl. They should find something that will turn them both on whether it's porn or something else.
    You tell me to get my head out of my ass meanwhile you're the one comparing yourself to the silicone enhanced, bleach blonde faker.
    Fake boobs do not turn me on one bit nor do I think the girl in the movie is better than you. I would take Boyle over the hottest porn star anyday!!

  4. Im on both sides of this argument. My husband likes to watch porn; once in a while. If it was all the time, I would hate it. If he did it every time he had a second alone, I would worry. However, he likes to watch with me. He wants to know what turns me on, and I want to know that about him too. I think we are okay with it because he is so quick to tell me how much better I am than those women, and how much our love makes sex so much better. We both also realize that as in love as we are, sex can get stale and spicing things up is great. I think each couple just has to be totally honest, and they can't do anything for the other that makes them uncomfortable. To each his own.

  5. much as I disagree with you, sometimes you say ALL the right things :)

  6. Seriously Tony !!! Do you think any guy is stupid enough to say any of those things to the woman they live with !! How do you think Lorraina Bobbett got her name !!

  7. I'm with Marion on this one kuddos girls Dawn and both Jennifers well said...

  8. Ladies & gentlemen... you all have excellent points. Communication is key. Be willing to try things to make the one you love happy - Is experimenting with porn any different then being afraid to try sushi, or go dancing? Sometimes you need to get out of your comfort zone for your lover. Need to break up the rut. If you do, sometimes you discover something you like, and as Jennifer said, sometimes "NOT"!!! When and if you don't like it, make your feelings clear in a non-judging way. Someone who loves you will appreciate you honesty and the fact that you tried to meet them half way. Isn't compromise part of the deal in relationship!?

    Dawn... I love your comment about me being self confident - Thank you!

    I must share, this- because there was a time when I would never have been so open and free with my "opinions", "feelings" and "stories". I want other women to know, that it's something you choose - you have to work to believe that you have "it", that you are worth "it'! Convince yourself first, love yourself first and then the confidence will come into your spirit and grow 'til it's truly part of who you are. Everything you need - you have within you!!! BELIEVE IT!

  9. Jennifer, that was exactly my point!! No guy is saying that because he is not thinking that! Therefore you ladies have nothing to feel self conscious about!

    Well put Jillian... whether it's porn or food or church or whatever.... feel free to try everything. Especially when it comes to sex! LOL

    Jenn & Jillian.... wanna make a movie with me & Boyle?
