
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Tony Walker

Have any of you ever been to a dinner theatre show, like "Tony & Tina's Wedding?

Drop Dead Comedy performs dinner theatre shows in the same style as "Tony & Tina's." But our shows are murder mysteries. We take a lot of pride in our shows. We don't go for the obvious dirty humor. We try to give the audience a high quality comedy show with high quality performers.One thing our shows are not are offensive. We have a show in May that seems to have a black cloud over it.

The show we have booked is called, "The Family, The Fun, & The Felony." It's a mob show. Well someone near the town where this show is supposed to happen decided that a mob show is offensive to Italians. The establishment who hired us was going to ignore the complaint and have us come in and do the show. Then today a letter from the Suffolk County Chapter Of Parents Of Murdered Children contacted the establishment to complain. "How dare we glorify murder" they said. What??? "Murder is not entertainment!" This one is my favorite, "Do you know what goes on in the homes & in the lives of the people that you are delivering this mockery of human decency to?"

I am not trying to attack this organization or mock what has happened to them. I cannot even imagine being the parent of a child who was murdered. However, I do think attacking us and the establishment who hired us is going overboard.

I'm not speaking for any other company but mine and my super duper business partner. We've seen some companies perform real bloody type murder shows. We are NOT one of them. Every single piece of our shows are comedic including the murder. The performer "dies" in comedic fashion. Most of the time we joke with the audience about the "victim" still breathing after the crime.

We are not making fun of anything or anyone. If you don't like our kind of thing well then don't come! But to attack us and call us a mockery of human decency? Give me a break. Sometimes I think people are too sensitive and are looking for something to complain about. Surely an issue as important as kids being murdered has more important things to deal with. A comedy show is not a problem.

What do you guys think?
 Do you think we should be more sympathetic to this group?
Am I a cold hearted bastard?


  1. I do think it's wrong for any person or group to condemn your show without even having seen it. I can't imagine equating a comedy performance with an actual violent act much less that you are "glorifying" it. What you do is entertainment and should be seen that way.

  2. Tony I have seen your is in NO WAY offensive at all! Everyone should check it out you will get a good laugh!
    Go to the Drop Dead Comedy ad right here on DRL for show information :)

  3. Does this group go after CSI Or Criminal Minds tv shows? I am sure they are truly offensive. I am sure your work is nothing but funny & light hearted. Sometimes people are sooooo mad & hurt they have to lash out & sadly they can not lash out at who they are truly mad at so someone else will do. I guess that someone is you. If they don't like it then don't watch. I don't watch Criminal Minds because it is creepy yet I don't bash it. It is what it is. You just have to feel sad that there is even a need for a group like this. No one should loose a child. Stay strong & preform!

  4. Misdirected anger seems to be at work here. What a bummer for you Tony to have to deal with ugliness when you want to spread smiles! Put up a good fight - I hope you win for all the right reasons. Break a leg, my friend! (And, not in the violent scary mob crime kind of way!)
