
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Barbara Ward-Finneran

Have I mentioned that funds are low?!  No, I mean really low!  (Okay, that's another blog!) Back a few years I made peace with being "broke"... with a friend of mine who worked as hard and spinned their wheels as much, we decided it was FAB!  It gave us a fun way to "laugh" at conversations, commercials, or consumer goods that we couldn't afford. I could just tell myself I'm FAB and it'd sting a little less to listen to or watch the "blah, blah, blah". "Can't do it, I'm too FAB! FAB being - FLAT A$$ BROKE!   LOL!

It is a "struggle" that I have become accustomed to, and for the most part don't dwell on it.  (I won't lie and say I don't occasionally melt into a puddle of tears in the shower by myself, questioning how to break the cycle or '"fix" it without more hours in the day) As long as my family's immediate needs are met, I try very hard not to complain and just work for better. No long term negative. Instead focusing on the positive!  Count and embrace my blessings! Glass half full - ALWAYS!  Otherwise you are nearing empty and that's not fabulous!  Much worse could happen to you then to regularly run in the "red". Heartache, sickness and loss exist that far out weigh being an expert at "Robbing Peter to pay Paul".

SHORT in the 80s
Being FAB will mean putting off or not doing things that are not necessary.  For me one of those things became hair cuts.  I like my hair long - started growing it out in the late 80's. (Dare I mention at the suggestion of a guy! - You know who you are!) I loved it and never stopped!  So, infrequent hair cuts are not a problem.  I can hack my bangs with the best of 'em!   I will mention the last "professional" one was BAD -  lesson learned - adult curly tops save for a salon cut, a "quick cut" at one of those walk in places "ain't" FAB in any sense of the word!  Being at least 15 months since a real (and bad) cut, and knowing the hair I longed to be longer had stalled out due to damage and dead ends. I decided I wanted to be frivolous if I was given birthday money - I was going to splurge on a salon cut.

The birthday week came and went.  I had an amazing string of days celebrating with friends and family. Even had some cold cash in hand, but I couldn't justify it.  Easter was coming.  That bunny needs help and there were two pressing utilities that were past due.  I hacked the bangs some and let it go.

This week brought a little "found money".  Two unexpected belated birthday cards with "cash".  At forty-two, I think my silent excitement rivaled my kids when they count their post party funds.  That salon cut was in reach. I could be "bad" and spend some money on myself!

OMG!  It was WICKED fun!!!  Now I remember why salons make money.  I will say I did not go crazy or break the bank, I left the place in the fifty-ish dollar mark, including tip.  (Sorry NY peeps! Remember incomes are lower too. lol.)  Still, this was a BIG splurge for me.  It was FABULOUS.  I cannot remember the last time I was in a hair designer's chair for over 90 minutes.  The wash and head massage, the scents of the "expensive" shampoos and conditioners, the time and attention to detail made me feel like a princess - for lack of more "grown up" terminology.  I do believe the hair dresser was amused as I "fessed" up to and laughed about the beyond overdue cut, damaged ends and crooked bangs.  I was given the royal treatment at Maxine's Salon & Spa.  My hair was washed, cut, dried and cut again, detail cut - with all kinds of very cool scissor action to add texture & layers, and then more of the blow dryer and flat iron.  Piles of hair on the floor I could feel the healthy silkiness on my neck and loved how she snipped away and gave it shape and style. The last haircut being so long ago - the pleasure was doubled by liking not just the cut but my own reflection in the mirror.  I had so much fun!  It was wicked wicked fun!  It's sassy, shorter and healthy.  I am all about healthy these days! The length will grow - right now it's feels FABULOUS and it will be a guilty pleasure for a few days to take in the compliments and actually have friends notice that I got a haircut.  Sometimes it feels good to be a little bad...   Go do it, save up treat yourself, change your look, be a little bad and have some WICKED FUN!  I highly recommend it!

(Authors Note: If you are a Melbourne local give to Maxine's Salon & Spa a try.  I have been so impressed by how this establishments gives back to the community via outreach and fundraising events that I have attended that I looked forward to being able to client one day.  I was NOT disappointed!  You won't be either!  I highly recommend it! Email me if you'd like to know who worked their magic on me.)


  1. Shut Up!!! You look gorgeous and not just the hair but that inner light that is radiating from your smile! Worth the splurge in my opinion.

  2. Work it, girlfriend!

  3. WOWZA!!!!I couldn't agree with you more Laura it was like the cherry on the sundae. It completed your perfection that you have been striving and accomplishing more and more each day with your transformation. And yes I know will disagree with me as you keep saying you have lots more to go and do.

    But girlfriend you might be FAB in your terminology.. but you also have mastered the right term to it also in "Flippin -A- Beautiful".

  4. What a great hair cut!!! You look
    F.A.B.....flipn awesome Barbara!!!

  5. If my smile is bright, Laura P., it is because I have friends like you and the others here who have been way too kind!

    Jill - I'm working it - as much as I can baby!

    Patty... Is that a PB special Sundae?! OMG - when was the last time we created one of those?!

    Patty & TMF --- Love, Love, LOVE your use of FAB --- Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!
